Re: [ROOT] Calling destructors

From: Valeriy Onuchin (
Date: Mon Jan 29 2001 - 12:07:51 MET

    Hi All,

I raised similar question recently

I need deallocate resources ( destruct some objects )
in following cases:

 1. when root application terminates
    1.1 by normal exit ( by root[].q , gApplication->Terminate(0), etc )
    1.2 by abnormal exit ( SIGKILL etc ...
        see ESignals from )

 2. when user does gROOT->Reset()

 3. when shared library in which these objects defined is unloaded
    ( by root[].U, gSystem->Unload(myLib), etc. )


 - For 1.1 => use gSystem->RemoveOnExit(objectToBeDeleted)

 - For 1.2 => use
    TSignalHandler* sigh = new TSignalHanler(kSigQuit);
    // btw ESignals enums are not in global context yet (??)

    ... use signal-slot com.mechanism (available in ROOT 3.0)
        to add handler function for kSigXXX

 - For 2. => use gROOT->GetListOfGlobals()->Add(objectTobeDeleted)

 - For 3. =>
    I found only exotic solution:

    1.  Start "thread" (aka TTimer) which periodically checks
        the list of libraries curently loaded
        ( returned by gInterpreter->GetSharedLibs() )
    2.  When is dissapeared from this list =>
        remove/deallocate resources

    I think good solution for 3. would be to use signal-slots
    as similar as in 1.2

Regards.    Valeriy

Fons Rademakers wrote:

> Hi Anton,
>   this has nothing to do with ROOT but is a standard C++ feature.
> If you create an object on the heap (with new) you have to explicitely
> call delete somewhere down the line before the program exits.
> If you create the object on the stack the destructor will automatically be
> called as soon as the object goes out of scope (in case of .q). If that
> is not the case for you send me an example so we can investigate.
> Cheers, Fons.
> On Fri, Jan 26, 2001 at 11:54:33PM +0100, Anton Fokin wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I noticed that ROOT doesn't call destructors for objects in memory when you
> > quit it (by .q). Is it a kind of feature? I have for example Save() function
> > in my TDataManager and since ROOT doesn't call data manager object
> > destructor the data are not saved too. Of course I can add things in
> > rootlogoff.C macro but ...
> >
> > By the way, can some function (which will call destructors, close open
> > files, sockets, etc.) be called on the system (root session) crash?
> >
> > Regards,
> > Anton

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