[ROOT] Permanent histo overlay

From: Andrea Fontana (Andrea.Fontana@pv.infn.it)
Date: Tue Feb 13 2001 - 09:54:38 MET

Hello ROOTers,
   I have a 2D histogram on top of which I want to superimpose a TEllipse 
and a TLine: everything works fine in interactive mode, as I simply do 
a Draw("same") and the overlay is correctly superimposed.

I now want to produce a bunch of these plots (TH2F + TEllipse + TLine) in 
batch mode, i.e. without drawing the histogram but only saving them  
into a file. Is there any way to superimpose the overlay only in memory 
without displaying it? In other terms, is it possible to attach (in some
 sense) objects (like TLines and TEllipses) to an histogram?

Many thanks,
Andrea Fontana (Athena Experiment)

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