Re: [ROOT] Permanent histo overlay

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Tue Feb 13 2001 - 10:19:26 MET

Hi Andrea,
You can add as many objects as you want to the "list of functions"
of a TH1 or TGraph object. These objects are automatically saved with
the TH1 or TGraph on a file and then restored.
void demo()
   TH1F *h = new TH1F("h","h",100,-3,3);
   TLine *l = new TLine(h->GetBinCenter(20),h->GetBinContent(20),

In the above example, you do not need to call h->Draw(). If you h->Write()
to a file, then in a new session, do:
   TFile f("xxx.root");
   TH1F *h = (TH1F*)f.Get("h");
you will get the line superimposed on top of the histogram.

Rene Brun

Andrea Fontana wrote:
> Hello ROOTers,
>    I have a 2D histogram on top of which I want to superimpose a TEllipse
> and a TLine: everything works fine in interactive mode, as I simply do
> a Draw("same") and the overlay is correctly superimposed.
> I now want to produce a bunch of these plots (TH2F + TEllipse + TLine) in
> batch mode, i.e. without drawing the histogram but only saving them
> into a file. Is there any way to superimpose the overlay only in memory
> without displaying it? In other terms, is it possible to attach (in some
>  sense) objects (like TLines and TEllipses) to an histogram?
> Many thanks,
> Andrea Fontana (Athena Experiment)

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