Hello, I've been using the AddFriend() feature extensively recently and found it very useful. The feature works fine for trees located in the main directory of a file. The problem I have concerns adding friend trees from subdirectories e.g. TTree *t=new TTree(); t->SetName("mparam_tree"); t->AddFriend("v25 = valid_inc25","IEM.root:/IEM_rnd"); t->AddFriend("v45 = valid_inc45","IEM.root:/IEM_rnd"); for trees "valid_inc25" and "valid_inc45" in ROOT file "IEM.root" and subdirectory "IEM.rnd". I've tried all variants for the file description, with or without : or / etc.... Is there something I'm doing wrong or has this feature not been added yet ? Regards Malcolm <>------------------------------------------------<> Malcolm W. J. Davidson CESBIO - UMR 5639 CNES-CNRS-UPS 18 Avenue Edouard Belin BP 2801 F-31401 Toulouse Cedex 4 France e-mail : davidson@cesbio.cnes.fr phone (33)(0) fax (33)(0) <>------------------------------------------------<>
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