Re: [ROOT] Installing from cvs

From: Fons Rademakers (
Date: Thu Jul 12 2001 - 00:10:07 MEST

Hi Mark,

  if the install directory is the same as $ROOTSYS then don't specify
the --prefix and --etcdir arguments to ./configure (by doing --prefix=$ROOTSYS
you set the install dir equal to $ROOTSYS). I will add the necessary
protections to ./configure.

Cheers, Fons.

On Wed, Jul 11, 2001 at 02:47:56PM -0400, Mark Messier wrote:
> Hi,
> I just installed root from cvs (July 11 2001) on RedHat6.1 using
> egcs-2.91.66 and ran into a few problems. I've installed from source
> several times and this is the first time I've had any problems. I've
> appended my install script so that those interested can see exactly what I
> did.
> The builds went OK, but when it came time to run root and root-config I
> ran into some troubles. Here is my list and the work arounds I used:
> 1) After building, running a root sessiong gave me lot of errors like:
> prompt> root
> ...
> Error: cannot open /home/minos/cern/root/root-cvs/share/root/cint/MAKEINFO
> !!! There are examples of MAKEINFO files under
> /home/minos/cern/root/root-cvs/share/root/cint/platform/ !!!
> Please refer to these examples and create for your platform
> My solution:
> mkdir /home/minos/cern/root/root-cvs/share/
> mkdir /home/minos/cern/root/root-cvs/share/root
> mkdir /home/minos/cern/root/root-cvs/share/root/cint
> cp ${ROOTSYS}/cint/MAKEINFO /home/minos/cern/root/root-cvs/share/root/cint/
> Surely there has to be a more elegant solution!
> 2) Then I got the following:
> prompt> root-config --version
> ...
> cannot read /home/minos/cern/root/root-cvs/include/root/RVersion.h
> My solution to this was also ugly:
> ln -s /home/minos/cern/root/root-cvs/include \
>       /home/minos/cern/root/root-cvs/include/root
> but it worked.
> 3) The last thing I have no solution for:
> prompt> root
> ...
> Error: cannot open file "iostream"  FILE:/tmp/fileEwDNFX_cint LINE:2
> *** Interpreter error recovered ***
> but I may be able live with this.
> Is there something I'm doing wrong? Can these little bumps be smoothed
> out?
> Thanks,
> Mark
> ========================================================================
> #!/bin/csh
> # =======================================================================
> # Install root from cvs source
> # =======================================================================
> setenv ROOTSYS /home/minos/cern/root/root-cvs
> setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH ${ROOTSYS}/lib:/home/minos/minos-packs/lib:/home/minos/minos-packs/lib/mysql:
> setenv PATH ${ROOTSYS}/bin:${PATH}
> # =======================================================================
> cd ${ROOTSYS}
> echo '[*] Starting install from directory:'
> pwd
> echo '[*] updating source'
> cvs update -d
> echo '[*] With environment:'
> env
> # =======================================================================
> # =======================================================================
> echo '[*] Making everything squeaky clean...'
> gmake clean
> gmake distclean
> gmake maintainer-clean
> echo '[*] clean steps done.'
> # =======================================================================
> # =======================================================================
> echo '[*] configure step.'
> ${ROOTSYS}/configure \
>  linuxegcs \
>  --prefix=${ROOTSYS} \
>  --etcdir=${ROOTSYS}/etc \
>  --enable-opengl \
>  --enable-mysql \
>  --disable-pgsql \
>  --with-mysql-incdir=/home/minos/minos-packs/include/mysql \
>  --with-mysql-libdir=/home/minos/minos-packs/lib/mysql \
>  --with-cern-libdir=/home/minos/cern/2000/lib
> echo '[*] configure done.'
> # =======================================================================
> # =======================================================================
> echo '[*] Starting gmake.'
> gmake
> echo '[*] gmake done'
> # =======================================================================
> # =======================================================================
> echo '[*] gmake install.'
> gmake install
> echo '[*] gmake install done.'
> # =======================================================================
> # =======================================================================
> echo '[*] Making some simple tests...'
> rehash
> which root-config
> which root
> root-config --version
> echo '{ TH1F h("h","test",100,-1.0,1.0); h.Draw(); }' > test-root.C
> root -b -q test-root.C
> rm -rf test-root.C
> echo '[*] Tests done.'
> # =======================================================================
> ========================================================================
> Mark Messier                          e-mail:
> Harvard University        
> 42 Oxford Street                                     Tel. (617) 496-2361
> Cambridge, MA 02138

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