Re: [ROOT] TPolyLine(3D) Streamer problem? - change in the meaning ofSPLIT parameter in 3.01/06

From: Pasha Murat (630)840-8237@169G ((630)840-8237@169G)
Date: Tue Jul 17 2001 - 23:28:25 MEST

> > P.S. In case of no compression customization of Streamers can significantly improve
> >      the I/O performance (I saw improvements by a factor of 3), so it seems to be a
> >      very reasonable option to consider.
> >
Rene Brun wrote:
> I am surprised by your statement about the factor 3. Could you send me
> an example of a class where you obtain this result?
> >

Hi Rene,

take a look at

For this class, after turning off compression, I saw a factor of 3 difference 
between the I/O rate in split (4.2 MBytes/sec on read) and non-split 
(14 MBytes/sec on read) modes on FCDFSGI2.FNAL.GOV using ROOT 2.26.x 
(FNAL nomenclature) compiled with KCC-4.0 in debug mode. 
	I attribute the difference to the customized TCalTower::Streamer - see

							-best, Pasha

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