RE: [ROOT] Problems with #include "path/file.h" in CINT script.

From: Brett Viren (
Date: Wed Jul 18 2001 - 16:59:05 MEST

Philippe Canal writes:
 > Hi Brett,
 > MacroPath does not have a bug making it fails if '.' is
 > the first directory.  Try 
 > root [0] gROOT->SetMacroPath("$MYPATH:.")

Hmm, this works for you?

Unfortunately, it still fails for me.  

BTW, I just tried my little test again but this time running from a
different directory.  My A.{C,h} files are in:


And I do the following. (I avoid the compilcation of MYPATH, and just
list paths directly).

shell> cd /home/bviren/tmp/jnk/root-bug
shell> ls somepath/
A.C  A.h
shell> root
root [0] gROOT->SetMacroPath("/home/bviren/tmp/jnk/root-bug:.")
root [1] .x somepath/A.C                                       
Hi, from A! ADEF = 42
root [2] gROOT->SetMacroPath(".")                              
root [3] .x somepath/A.C         
Hi, from A! ADEF = 42
root [4] .q

Both of these work, but I suspect it is using only the "." path.  If I
go to some other directory, say, one up:

shell> cd /home/bviren/tmp/jnk
shell> ls root-bug/somepath/
A.C  A.h
shell> root
root [0] gROOT->SetMacroPath("/home/bviren/tmp/jnk/root-bug:.")
root [1] .x root-bug/somepath/A.C                              
Error: cannot open file "somepath/A.h"  FILE:root-bug/somepath/A.C LINE:2

Does this help illuminate the problem?


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