[ROOT] fonts in postscript output

From: Jiri Masik (masik@pc203b.fzu.cz)
Date: Wed Oct 03 2001 - 10:16:18 MEST


I'm trying to convert Postscript plots produced by Root to PDF. It is
required by the journal that the document may contain Type 1 fonts
only. I use epstopdf to do the conversion however about a half of the
plots end up with Type 3 bitmapped fonts referenced in the PDF.

I'm using Root from CVS with TTF support. According to the docs
epstopdf should handle all 14 standard fonts and transfer them as Type
1. I found a utility to list fonts contained in a PDF file and it

Font : [A                                       ] Type3 Not embedded 
Font : [Helvetica-Bold                          ] Base14 Not embedded 

for an eps file produced by 
TH1F *h = new TH1F("h","t3",10,0.,1.);

I've put t3.eps to

Do you think it is a limitation of epstopdf or is the font used
already during ps file generation.
Thank you in advance for you answers,


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