[ROOT] Mem leak using TTree with TObjArray+TclonesArray

From: Luigi Del Buono (delbuono@in2p3.fr)
Date: Wed Oct 03 2001 - 12:07:35 MEST

Hi rooters,

I waited a long time before posting this, but I have no clue on this
problem so...

I seem to have a memory leak that i cannot trace to my personal code...I
have made a much simplified version of code which apparently reproduces
the problem.
The leak is eating something like 10 Kbytes of memory for each "iteration"
in the main loop of this code, it's bigger in the full code version.
This prevents me from running on big amounts of data (which is needed, of

The problem happens when reading a ROOT TTree file which contains
occurences of one simple structure with one TObjArray* member, the
TObjArray elements themselves containing another object which itself has a
TClonesArray* member.
So, this is a story about storing and reading in a Root TTree a TObjArray
which elements are mainly TClonesArray. The problem appears while READING
the TTree.

Another problem is that, after a few thousand events, the program is
printing out thousands of Warning messages like:

Warning in <TObjectTable::Remove>: 0x0a61b7b4 not found at 1739
Warning in <TObjectTable::Remove>: 0x0a61d8fc not found at 1739
Warning in <TObjectTable::Remove>: 0x0a61d8f0 not found at 1739 
Warning in <TObjectTable::Remove>: 0x0a7a3a5c not found at 5779
Warning in <TObjectTable::Remove>: 0x0a7a3a50 not found at 5779
Warning in <TObjectTable::Remove>: 0x0a7a3a98 not found at 5779
Warning in <TObjectTable::Remove>: 0x0a7a3a18 not found at 5779

I have no idea of what is happening, so i am calling the experts...

Configuration info: Linux RedHat 6.2, Root 3.01/06, the program is
compiled whith gcc egcs-2.91.66 19990314/Linux (egcs-1.1.2 release)

I'll try to give here the main elements of the code, so people can see if
something is wrong somewhere.

Thanks any help/suggestion

//------Base class stored in tree--------------------------
class TauEvent : public TObject {
    TauC1 &GetC1(Int_t iC1);  //returns a pointer to a 3-1 comb. array
    TObjArray *C1;    //The TObjArray

//-----Class to be stored in the TObjArray--------------------
class TauC1 : public TObject {

    //Access sub data
    TauC2 *AddC2(Int_t iC2);   
    TauC2 &GetC2(Int_t iC2); 
    TClonesArray &GetC2() { return *C2;};
    //3-body info
    TLorentzVector V1;   
    TClonesArray *C2;    //the TClonesArray

//--------Constructor and destructor of TauEvent

TauEvent::TauEvent() : 
  C1=new TObjArray();

  if (C1) {
    if(C1->GetEntries()>0) C1->Delete();
    delete C1;

//--------Constructor and destructor of TauC1

  C2=new TClonesArray("TauC2");

  if(C2) {
    if(C2->GetEntries()>0) C2->Delete();
    delete C2;

//------Data fill & access routines
TauC2 *TauC1::AddC2(Int_t iC2) {
  return (new ((*C2)[iC2]) TauC2);

//TTree creation code
Rfile=new TFile("Event.root","RECREATE","EventInfo",1);   //0=no compress
Rtree=new TTree("EventTree","EventInfo tree",0);
Rtree->SetBranchStyle(0);   //!!!!old style branch (ROOT 3.01/06)
Rtree->Branch("C1", "TObjArray", &(EventInfo.C1), 2048, 0);  

//Writing loop code (called for each "event")
for (int itau1=0;itau1<1;itau1++) { //structure 1 loop
  TauC1 *C1=new TauC1;

  for (int itau2=0;itau2<1;itau2++) {  //structure 2 loop
    TauC2 *C2=C1->AddC2(itau2);

  EventInfo.C1->Add(C1);  //Fill C1 structure level
Rtree->Fill();   //final fill for root data
EventInfo.C1->Delete();   //clear local objects in event Tree

// Reading loop code
TChain *Tree;   //create global tree
TBranch *C1Branch;
TauEvent EvI;
Int_t NEventMax;
TObjectTable* gObjectTable;

//Load tree
Int_t init_tree()
  //Multi file access
  Tree=new TChain("EventTree");    
  Tree->Add("Event.root/EventTree");     //Connect root file 

  //Connect root branches to local variables  ("EvI")
  C1Branch->SetAutoDelete(kTRUE);  //

  Int_t Nevent=(Int_t)Tree->GetEntries();
  cout << "Main: Number of events in tree: " << Nevent << endl;
  return 0;

//reading loop
Int_t plot_t31()
  TH1F hV1X("hV1X", "V1 x", 60, 0., 5.); 
  Int_t Nevent=(Int_t)Tree->GetEntries();
  for(int iev=0;iev<TMath::Min(Nevent,NEventMax);iev++) {    //fill histos
    if(iev%100==0) cout << "iev: " << iev << endl;

//    gObjectTable->Print();
    for(int iC1=0;iC1<EvI.C1->GetEntries();iC1++) {
      TauC1 &C1=EvI.GetC1(iC1);
      Double_t V1X=C1.V1.X();
      cout << "V1X:" << V1X << endl;
    if(EvI.C1->GetEntries()>0) EvI.C1->Delete();   //clear local objects
in event
  TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1","Test",200,10,900,1000);
  c1->cd(1); hV1X.DrawCopy();

  return 0;  

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