Fw: [ROOT] ROOT (WIN32) Version 3.02 is now in the standard InstallShield form

From: Valeri Fine (fine@bnl.gov)
Date: Fri Dec 14 2001 - 02:45:05 MET

Hello ROOT'er, 
 A new version of ROOT is available in the form of the regular InstallShield 
 package to download and install. It is supposed to install / uninstall  
 all  ROOT environment properly and  automatically for Windows 9x and Windows NT  
 using the standard Windows facility.
  It edits autoexec.bat file on  Windows 9x platforms and set the registry entries on 
  NT platforms. One can uninstall ROOT with the standard Windows Control Panel 
  Install /Remove Application applet. Windows 9x user will asked to reboot their computer,
  NT installation should work right away.
 Just click http://www.usatlas.bnl.gov/~fine/ROOTProject.exe 
 to install ROOT 3.02 on your desktop
   Any comment are welcome.
   The InstallShield  package was provided by Brookhaven National Laboratory.
                    With my best regards, Valeri
> > Dear Rooters,
> > 
> > The ROOT Team is pleased to announce the release of ROOT version 3.02. 
> > 
> > For more details and the release notes, see
> >     http://root.cern.ch/
> > 
> > We would like to thank all the users who contributed to the development
> > and testing phases of this new version.
> > 
> > In January we will start a new development cycle.
> > 
> > 
> > Rene Brun, Philippe Canal, Masaharu Goto, Fons
> > Rademakers
> > 
 Dr.Valeri Fine
 STAR/US Atlas                                    E-mail: fine@bnl.gov
 Brookhaven National Lab                     Phone: +1 631 344 7806
 Upton, NY 11973-5000                       FAX:     +1 631 344 4206

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