Re: [ROOT] Using stl map

From: Colin Bernet (
Date: Fri Dec 14 2001 - 11:40:04 MET

Hi Antonio, 

I had the same problem a few days ago : 

- Masa's solution is :

Hello Colin,

I am happy to answer your question.

For using STL container classes, you need to precompile them.
In this case, you need to create following header file.

   // mystl.h
   #include <map>
   #include <vector>
   #ifdef __MAKECINT__
   #pragma link C++ class map<int, const char*>;
   #pragma link C++ class vector< const char* >;

And use makecint.

   $ makecint -mk makefile -dl mystl.dll -H mystl
   $ make -f makefile

Then, created mystl.dll includes definition of map<int, const char*>
and vector<const char*>.  Load thiss DLL or shared library when run
that program.

Thank you
Masaharu Goto

- And Here is Rene's advice :

Compile your class with aclic : instead of doing .L myclass.C, do .L
myclass.C++. This will generate a shared library and load it in root. Note
that you have to use the ClassDef and ClassImp macros for my_class, so it
can be used interactively (see the root user guide for more info, there
is a chapter about aclic).

> Dear rooters,
> I am trying to use a stl map into a myclass.C that I load with .L
> Although I am including map.h it seems that as soon as I use the
> my_class::Loop() function, the map symbol is not recognized and I got the
> following error:
> Error: Symbol map is not defined in current scope  FILE:my_class.C LINE:51
> What should I add to my .C?
> Also another question, should I use map<float,float> or
> map<Float_t, Float_t>?
> Thanks a lot,
> Antonio
> P.S. I'm using root 3.02/01
> //----------- myclass.C
> #include <TROOT.h>
> #include <TChain.h>
> #include <TFile.h>
> #include <map.h>
> class my_class {
>    public:
>    void Loop();
>   ...
>  private:
>  ...
> }
> void my_class::Loop(){
>  ....
>   map<float, float> pippo;
>  ...
> }
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