[ROOT] error bars

From: Boris Leissner (leissner@mail.desy.de)
Date: Mon Feb 25 2002 - 22:49:05 MET


  I would  like to draw  a 1 dim histogram (eg.: TH1D) with
         error  bars  with  long  ticks at the end
 but I do not want  to  have  bars along  the x-axis.

 According to an earlier answer   one should use
 to  get  rid of the bars  along the x-axis.
However  the ticks  at the ends are also  vanishing when  I do this.

Furthermore they  seem also  somehow  to  be connected with
the  markers  of the  histogram.

How can  one  draw  just   y - errors  with  tick  marks at the end ,
no x-error bars ?

Is there a way  to achieve  this  without  copying  everything  to some
TGraphErrors ,
or  is it possible  to adjust  the size  of the ticks  in that  class  ?

Best Regards


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