Re: [ROOT] error bars

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Tue Feb 26 2002 - 00:18:03 MET

Hi Boris,

Your remarks are correct. One cannot control the size of the end lines.

I have added a new function in TStyle (TStyle::SetEndErrorSize(float np=1)
to control this size. This new feature is now in the CVS version.
I have added the following comments in THistPainter::PaintErrors
and TGraphErrors::Paint:

//     Use gStyle->SetErrorX(dx) to control the size of the error along x.
//     set dx = 0 to suppress the error along x.
//     Use gStyle->SetEndErrorSize(np) to control the size of the lines
//     at the end of the error bars (when option "e1" is used).
//     By default np=1. (np reprersents the number of pixels).

Rene Brun

On Mon, 25 Feb 2002, Boris Leissner wrote:

> Hello,
>   I would  like to draw  a 1 dim histogram (eg.: TH1D) with
>          error  bars  with  long  ticks at the end
>  but I do not want  to  have  bars along  the x-axis.
>  According to an earlier answer   one should use
>       gStyle->SetErrorX(0)
>  to  get  rid of the bars  along the x-axis.
> However  the ticks  at the ends are also  vanishing when  I do this.
> Furthermore they  seem also  somehow  to  be connected with
> the  markers  of the  histogram.
> How can  one  draw  just   y - errors  with  tick  marks at the end ,
> but
> no x-error bars ?
> Is there a way  to achieve  this  without  copying  everything  to some
> TGraphErrors ,
> or  is it possible  to adjust  the size  of the ticks  in that  class  ?
> Best Regards
>    Boris

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