[ROOT] Speeding up TTree::Draw()

From: Martin Turner (martin@hep.ph.liv.ac.uk)
Date: Thu Apr 04 2002 - 16:43:48 MEST


I have a tree which I use to produce a second tree with a
different number of entries, for example looping over events in the first
and then tracksxevents in the second. Currently if my histograms take 100
seconds to make and I want 10 of them then I am waiting 1000 seconds since
Draw appears to do a seperate loop for each plot. This is much slower than
sticking to the first tree, do one loop and fill the histograms as you go.
Is there a neat  way to link histograms together using TTree so that I
don't have to wait for 10 loops, or is it necessary to use MakeClass?


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