[ROOT] Re: Speed issues with filling histograms in TSelector

From: Martin Turner (martin@hep.ph.liv.ac.uk)
Date: Mon Apr 15 2002 - 21:04:15 MEST

If anyone is as intrigued about this speed issue as I am, I have some
additional information. As explained before there appears to be a
saturation point to the number of histograms I can fill in TSelector, but
it also appears that the saturation is not just to do with histograms but
also to get an entry from a branch. I'm going to include the TSelector.C
script so that hopefully someone may spot something ugly. It should be
pointed out that wether I have 38 histograms or 138 histograms it's still
15 times longer than it is if I have 37 histograms, wether they are filled
or not!

On Sun, 14 Apr 2002, Martin Turner wrote:

> Hello ROOT experts, I have a seemingly twisted speed related bug when
> using TSelector.
> TSelector is called using a pre-defined selection from TEventList. Before
> begin is called, but inside the TSelector script, there are 22 histograms
> made on the heap with names and range etc. and another 18 are made in
> TSelector::Begin().
> It appears that my analysis macro takes a sweet 2 seconds to run provided
> there are only 37 out of the 40 histograms filled. If there are 38 or
> more, the job takes 32 seconds, which for a larger data sample makes my
> script not very practical. This is the case even when I comment out
> histograms that are not actually filled because they are dependent on a
> particular flag in an if statement! Another related mystery is when I do a
> cout<<.... in an if statement that is never passed, The time is takes for
> my script to complete is comparable to the time it takes to complete if
> the if statement does pass, yet I do not see the printout. Comment out the
> cout statement and I'm back on 2 seconds. Has anyone got any idea what's
> going on? I get the same problem running on two seperate computers with a
> Linux and IRIS OS.
> Another problem is when I have an array of TStrings that contain the title
> of histograms. I make a for loop to fill an array of histograms and attach
> the associated title as I go. If the loop is at the top before
> TSelector::Begin(); it crashes. If it's inside TSelector::Begin() it
> works. Why should it matter?
> Thanks in advance
> Martin

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