[ROOT] Creating GUI with ROOT classes

From: Frankland John (frankland@ganil.fr)
Date: Tue May 28 2002 - 10:09:16 MEST

Hello ROOTers
I'm trying to write a graphical interface using the TGFrame etc. classes,
with as my only guide the guitest.cxx example in $ROOTSYS/test, and the
source files in $ROOTSYS/gui.
Is there still absolutely no documentation for this stuff ? There aren't 
many comments in the source files, at least not ones I can understand... ;-)
Thanks if anyone can make this less painful

Dr. J.D. Frankland
Grand Accelérateur National d'Ions Lourds
Boulevard Henri Bécquerel
B.P. 55027
14076 CAEN Cedex 05

tél.: +33 (0)231454628
fax:  +33 (0)231454665
mél: frankland@ganil.fr

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