[ROOT] format of TDatime::GetDateTime().

From: Harufumi Tsuchiya (harufumi@icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp)
Date: Thu May 30 2002 - 10:49:09 MEST

Hi ROOTers,

I found that strange behavior of GetDateTime of TDatime object.

root [0] TDatime t;
root [1] Int_t date, time;
root [2] t.GetDateTime(1, date, time);
root [3] cout << date << " " << time << endl;
19950000 1      
root [4] t.GetDateTime(50, date, time);      
root [5] cout << date << " " << time << endl;
19950000 50     
root [6] t.GetDateTime(60, date, time);      
root [7] cout << date << " " << time << endl;
19950000 60     
root [8] t.GetDateTime(70, date, time);      
root [9] cout << date << " " << time << endl;
19950000 106    

In the case of bottom line, I thought that return values
were 19950101 and 110. 
And in the case of t.GetDateTime(60, date, time), 
I thought that return values were 19950101 and 100.
Also, I thought return value for date was 19950101 not 19950000.

My thinking is wrong ?

Also, there is diffrence of document and real case.
Document (http://root.cern.ch/root/htmldoc/TDatime.html#TDatime:GetDateTime)
says that return values of GetDateTime() has
the form such a like 950223 for date. But, in real case,
the date format is 19950223.

I use ROOT v 3.03/05 on IRIX using g++ 2.95.2.


Harufumi Tsuchiya.

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