Re: [ROOT] format of TDatime::GetDateTime().

Date: Thu May 30 2002 - 16:48:19 MEST


try the code below. first, it transforms everything to C-like time values, and 
then gets date and time. this produces the output you were expecting. hope this 

TDatime t;
UInt_t ctime;
Int_t date, time;
ctime = t.Convert();
t.Set(ctime+1); date=t.GetDate();time=t.GetTime(); 
cout << date << " " << time << endl; 
t.Set(ctime+50); date=t.GetDate();time=t.GetTime(); 
cout << date << " " << time << endl; 
t.Set(ctime+60); date=t.GetDate();time=t.GetTime(); 
cout << date << " " << time << endl; 
t.Set(ctime+70); date=t.GetDate();time=t.GetTime(); 
cout << date << " " << time << endl; 

Quoting Harufumi Tsuchiya <>:

> Hi ROOTers,
> I found that strange behavior of GetDateTime of TDatime object.

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