Hi, Is it actually possible to change the text font (and size) in TGaxis. I've created an axis, but would like the font in times-bold and I can't seem to get it to work. So, I have, for example... blah blah..... TGaxis *VerticalAxis = new TGaxis(Data[i]->GetBinCenter(1)-0.5*Data[i]->GetBinWidth(1),log10(Data[i]->GetMinimum()), Data[i]->GetBinCenter(1)-0.5*Data[i]->GetBinWidth(1), log10(Data[i]->GetMaximum()),Data[i]->GetMinimum(),Data[i]->GetMaximum(),50510,"G"); VerticalAxis->SetName("VerticalAxis"); VerticalAxis->SetLineColor(kRed); VerticalAxis->SetTextColor(kRed); VerticalAxis->SetTextFont(22); VerticalAxis->SetTextSize(0.1); VerticalAxis->Draw(); blah blah.... and I get the attached plot, so nothing about the font ever seems to change. Cheers, Claire
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