[ROOT] Problem with TBrowser

From: Perfetto Francesco (Francesco.Perfetto@na.infn.it)
Date: Wed Oct 16 2002 - 13:52:06 MEST

Hello ROOTers,
I have a problem with TBrowser, after to create my root file in which
there is a tree with TLorentzVector, if I draw down cint my variables
there isn't problem but if I want draw my variables directly from
TBrowser, it draw always the same variable (not change the picture in
the canvas).

  TLorentzVector *p4dateta = new TLorentzVector();
  TLorentzVector *p4datetasys_pim = new TLorentzVector();
  TLorentzVector *p4datetasys_pip = new TLorentzVector();
  TLorentzVector *p4datetasys_piz = new TLorentzVector();

  TTree *tdat = new TTree("tdat","Tree for resolution");

  tdat->Branch("dalix_dat"   ,&dalix_dat   ,"dalix_dat/D"    );
  tdat->Branch("p4dateta"       ,"TLorentzVector"    ,&p4dateta);
  tdat->Branch("p4datetasys_pim","TLorentzVector"    ,&p4datetasys_pim);
  tdat->Branch("p4datetasys_pip","TLorentzVector"    ,&p4datetasys_pip);
  tdat->Branch("p4datetasys_piz","TLorentzVector"    ,&p4datetasys_piz);

if i do after opening the TBrowser:
tdat->Draw("p4datetasys_pim.fE");  // this OK
tdat->Draw("p4datetasys_pip.fE");  // this OK
but if click on the leaf in the TBrowser don't change null from the
first pictures.
Where is the Problem ?


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