Re: [ROOT] Bootstrapping a script.

From: Fons Rademakers (
Date: Thu Oct 24 2002 - 20:03:05 MEST

Hi Brett,

  cint interprets line by line so it should work. This works for me:


   TLorentzVector *v = new TLorentzVector;

On which platform do you see this problem? It looks like the static
initializers, that register your classes to the cint dictionary, are not
correctly called.

-- Fons

On Thu, 2002-10-24 at 19:17, Brett Viren wrote:
> Hi roottalk,
> There is a problem I have battled with many times and I wondered what
> others have done to solve it. 
> We have a ROOT based executable ("loon") which is essentially just
> root.exe plus some of our libs linked in by default.  The problem I
> have is say I have a which is *not* linked in by default
> and defines a class "MyClass", I find it very difficult to write
> a macro file which loads libMyClass and also uses MyClass.  Eg:
> shell> cat myclass.C
> {
>  gSystem->Load("");
>  MyClass *mc = new MyClass;
>  ...
> }
> shell> loon myclass.C
> This fails with something like:
> Error: Symbol MyClass is not defined in current scope
> FILE:myclass.C LINE:4
> Apparently this is because CINT parses the entire file before
> interpreting it.
> So.  I was wondering if there is some way to handle this well.
> Normally, I must break up the loading of the libs in to a separate
> script from the one actually using of this class.
> -Brett.
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