Re: [ROOT] automatic schema evolution

From: Susan Kasahara (
Date: Mon Nov 25 2002 - 03:49:58 MET

Hi Rene,
Okay, thanks.  In the meantime, is it possible to make this transition
using a customized Streamer (or some other device) to map the
movement of the datamember to the base class?  I am encountering
just such a transition as we move to a new data model.
  I've tried implementing a customized Streamer for the EventHeader
class version 2.  The purpose of the customized Streamer  is to properly
fill in the fRun data member when reading in old files generated with
EventHeader version 1.  I find that this customized Streamer works when
the EventHeader branch in the version 1 file is not split  (e.g. I generate the old
output file running Event with no arguments).
  But when I split the EventHeader branch in the old version 1 data file, e.g. using:
$  Event 10 1 99 1
I find that when reading this old file using the new EventHeader version 2
code, my customized Streamer is never invoked.
  So, is a customized Streamer the way to handle this type of transition and
if not, what is the correct way?  I've attached the steps I'm taking to run
the tests and the code with the customized Streamer.
Thanks again for your help.
These are the steps I'm taking (using today's cvs root and gcc 3.2):
1)Using unmodified $ROOTSYS/test/Event code, I generate an output file
    i)$ Event 10 (to generate an unsplit tree)
   ii)$ Event 10 1 99 1 (to generate a split tree)
2)Modify the Event.h,.cxx, and EventLinkDef.h code to produce EventHeader
    version 2 with customized Streamer
    This code is attached.
3)Run root and use the provided eventa.cxx code to read the tree in:
    root[0].x eventload.cxx   // load the new libraries with EventHeader version 2
    root[1].x eventa.cxx      // read the old file generated with EventHeader version 1

Rene Brun wrote:

> Hi Sue,
> The schema evolution will work in your example if you
> move a member from a derived class to an EXISTING base class.
> In your case RunHeader is a new class. This case is not currently
> supported, but should not be too complex to support.
> On my long list of things to do.
> Rene Brun
> On Tue, 19 Nov 2002, Susan Kasahara wrote:
> > Hi roottalk,
> > I'm trying to understand automatic schema evolution in root.
> > I have used automatic schema evolution all along in generating
> > my files (old & new), using the '+' flag in the class pragma
> > statement in the LinkDef.h file to activate this.  I am having
> > a problem now when attempting to move a data member
> > from a derived class to a base class.
> >   When I read the documentation (root user manual version 3.02c),
> > I interpret the section on Schema Evolution to indicate that
> > root will map a persistent data member to one memory in the
> > event that a data member is moved from a derived class to a
> > base class, or vice versa.  But in tests I find that when I move
> > a data member to a base class, this mapping
> > doesn't seem to take place.  Instead the moved data member is simply
> > skipped on input.
> >   For example, if I move the fRun data member of the EventHeader
> > class in $ROOTSYS/test/Event.h to a new base class "RunHeader", e.g.
> > change the current:
> >
> > class EventHeader  {
> >
> > private:
> >     Int_t fEvtNum;
> >     Int_t fRun;
> >     Int_t fDate;
> >  public:
> >  ...
> >    ClassDef(EventHeader,1)
> > };
> >
> > to:
> >
> > class RunHeader {
> >  protected:
> >     Int_t fRun;
> >
> >   public:
> >   ...
> >    ClassDef(RunHeader,1)
> > };
> >
> > class EventHeader : public RunHeader {
> >  private:
> >    Int_t fEvent;
> >    Int_t fDate;
> >   public:
> >      ...
> >    ClassDef(EventHeader,2)
> > };
> >
> > I find that using EventHeader version 2 I am able to read old files
> > that have been generated with EventHeader version 1, but the fRun
> > data member, now in the RunHeader base class, is not filled in
> > properly.
> >
> > So, two questions:
> > 1)Should I be able to move a data member to base class and expect
> >     root's schema evolution to be able to map this transition when
> >     reading old data files?
> > 2)If not, how do I handle this mapping myself?
> >
> > I am using cvs root from today with gcc 3.2 on linux.
> > Thanks for your help,
> > -Sue
> >

#ifndef ROOT_Event
#define ROOT_Event

//                                                                      //
// Event                                                                //
//                                                                      //
// Description of the event and track parameters                        //
//                                                                      //

#include "TObject.h"
#include "TClonesArray.h"
#include "TRefArray.h"
#include "TRef.h"
#include "TH1.h"
#include "TMath.h"

class TDirectory;

class Track : public TObject {

   Float_t      fPx;           //X component of the momentum
   Float_t      fPy;           //Y component of the momentum
   Float_t      fPz;           //Z component of the momentum
   Float_t      fRandom;       //A random track quantity
   Float_t      fMass2;        //The mass square of this particle
   Float_t      fBx;           //X intercept at the vertex
   Float_t      fBy;           //Y intercept at the vertex
   Float_t      fMeanCharge;   //Mean charge deposition of all hits of this track
   Float_t      fXfirst;       //X coordinate of the first point
   Float_t      fXlast;        //X coordinate of the last point
   Float_t      fYfirst;       //Y coordinate of the first point
   Float_t      fYlast;        //Y coordinate of the last point
   Float_t      fZfirst;       //Z coordinate of the first point
   Float_t      fZlast;        //Z coordinate of the last point
   Float_t      fCharge;       //Charge of this track
   Float_t      fVertex[3];    //Track vertex position
   Int_t        fNpoint;       //Number of points for this track
   Short_t      fValid;        //Validity criterion
   Int_t        fNsp;          //Number of points for this track with a special value
   Float_t*     fPointValue;   //[fNsp] a special quantity for some point.

   Track() { fPointValue = 0; }
   Track(Float_t random);
   virtual ~Track() {Clear();}
   void          Clear(Option_t *option="") { delete [] fPointValue; fPointValue=0; }
   Float_t       GetPx() const { return fPx; }
   Float_t       GetPy() const { return fPy; }
   Float_t       GetPz() const { return fPz; }
   Float_t       GetPt() const { return TMath::Sqrt(fPx*fPx + fPy*fPy); }
   Float_t       GetRandom() const { return fRandom; }
   Float_t       GetBx() const { return fBx; }
   Float_t       GetBy() const { return fBy; }
   Float_t       GetMass2() const { return fMass2; }
   Float_t       GetMeanCharge() const { return fMeanCharge; }
   Float_t       GetXfirst() const { return fXfirst; }
   Float_t       GetXlast()  const { return fXlast; }
   Float_t       GetYfirst() const { return fYfirst; }
   Float_t       GetYlast()  const { return fYlast; }
   Float_t       GetZfirst() const { return fZfirst; }
   Float_t       GetZlast()  const { return fZlast; }
   Float_t       GetCharge() const { return fCharge; }
   Float_t       GetVertex(Int_t i=0) {return (i<3)?fVertex[i]:0;}
   Int_t         GetNpoint() const { return fNpoint; }
   Short_t       GetValid()  const { return fValid; }
   virtual void  SetValid(Int_t valid=1) { fValid = valid; }
   Int_t         GetN() const { return fNsp; }
   Float_t       GetPointValue(Int_t i=0) const { return (i<fNsp)?fPointValue[i]:0; }

   ClassDef(Track,2)  //A track segment

class RunHeader {

  RunHeader() : fRun(0) {}
  virtual ~RunHeader() {}
  Int_t GetRun() const { return fRun; }

   Int_t   fRun;
 ClassDef(RunHeader,1) // Run Header

class EventHeader : public RunHeader {

   Int_t   fEvtNum;
   Int_t   fDate;

   EventHeader() : fEvtNum(0), fDate(0) { }
   virtual ~EventHeader() { }
   void   Set(Int_t i, Int_t r, Int_t d) { fEvtNum = i; fRun = r; fDate = d; }
   Int_t  GetEvtNum() const { return fEvtNum; }
   Int_t  GetDate() const { return fDate; }

   ClassDef(EventHeader,2)  //Event Header

class Event : public TObject {

   char           fType[20];          //event type
   char          *fEventName;         //run+event number in character format
   Int_t          fNtrack;            //Number of tracks
   Int_t          fNseg;              //Number of track segments
   Int_t          fNvertex;
   UInt_t         fFlag;
   Float_t        fTemperature;
   Int_t          fMeasures[10];
   Float_t        fMatrix[4][4];
   Float_t       *fClosestDistance;   //[fNvertex]
   EventHeader    fEvtHdr;
   TClonesArray  *fTracks;            //->array with all tracks
   TRefArray     *fHighPt;            //array of High Pt tracks only
   TRefArray     *fMuons;             //array of Muon tracks only
   TRef           fLastTrack;         //reference pointer to last track
   TRef           fWebHistogram;      //EXEC:GetWebHistogram reference to an histogram in a TWebFile
   TH1F          *fH;                 //->

   static TClonesArray *fgTracks;
   static TH1F         *fgHist;

   virtual ~Event();
   void          Build(Int_t ev, Int_t arg5=600, Float_t ptmin=1);
   void          Clear(Option_t *option ="");
   static void   Reset(Option_t *option ="");
   void          ResetHistogramPointer() {fH=0;}
   void          SetNseg(Int_t n) { fNseg = n; }
   void          SetNtrack(Int_t n) { fNtrack = n; }
   void          SetNvertex(Int_t n) { fNvertex = n; SetRandomVertex(); }
   void          SetFlag(UInt_t f) { fFlag = f; }
   void          SetTemperature(Float_t t) { fTemperature = t; }
   void          SetType(char *type) {strcpy(fType,type);}
   void          SetHeader(Int_t i, Int_t run, Int_t date, Float_t random);
   Track        *AddTrack(Float_t random, Float_t ptmin=1);
   void          SetMeasure(UChar_t which, Int_t what);
   void          SetMatrix(UChar_t x, UChar_t y, Float_t what) { if (x<3&&y<3) fMatrix[x][y]=what;}
   void          SetRandomVertex();

   Float_t       GetClosestDistance(Int_t i) {return fClosestDistance[i];}
   char         *GetType() {return fType;}
   Int_t         GetNtrack() const { return fNtrack; }
   Int_t         GetNseg() const { return fNseg; }
   Int_t         GetNvertex() const { return fNvertex; }
   UInt_t        GetFlag() const { return fFlag; }
   Float_t       GetTemperature() const { return fTemperature; }
   EventHeader  *GetHeader() { return &fEvtHdr; }
   TClonesArray *GetTracks() const {return fTracks;}
   TRefArray    *GetHighPt() const {return fHighPt;}
   TRefArray    *GetMuons()  const {return fMuons;}
   Track        *GetLastTrack() const {return (Track*)fLastTrack.GetObject();}
   TH1F         *GetHistogram() const {return fH;}
   TH1          *GetWebHistogram()  const {return (TH1*)fWebHistogram.GetObject();}
   Int_t         GetMeasure(UChar_t which) { return (which<10)?fMeasures[which]:0; }
   Float_t       GetMatrix(UChar_t x, UChar_t y) { return (x<4&&y<4)?fMatrix[x][y]:0; }

   ClassDef(Event,1)  //Event structure

class HistogramManager {

   TH1F  *fNtrack;
   TH1F  *fNseg;
   TH1F  *fTemperature;
   TH1F  *fPx;
   TH1F  *fPy;
   TH1F  *fPz;
   TH1F  *fRandom;
   TH1F  *fMass2;
   TH1F  *fBx;
   TH1F  *fBy;
   TH1F  *fMeanCharge;
   TH1F  *fXfirst;
   TH1F  *fXlast;
   TH1F  *fYfirst;
   TH1F  *fYlast;
   TH1F  *fZfirst;
   TH1F  *fZlast;
   TH1F  *fCharge;
   TH1F  *fNpoint;
   TH1F  *fValid;

   HistogramManager(TDirectory *dir);
   virtual ~HistogramManager();

   void Hfill(Event *event);

   ClassDef(HistogramManager,1)  //Manages all histograms


// @(#)root/test:$Name:  $:$Id: Event.cxx,v 1.19 2002/08/20 15:21:42 brun Exp $
// Author: Rene Brun   19/08/96

//                       Event and Track classes
//                       =======================
//  The Event class is a naive/simple example of an event structure.
//     public:
//        char           fType[20];
//        Int_t          fNtrack;
//        Int_t          fNseg;
//        Int_t          fNvertex;
//        UInt_t         fFlag;
//        Float_t        fTemperature;
//        Int_t          fMeasures[10];
//        Float_t        fMatrix[4][4];
//        Float_t       *fClosestDistance; //[fNvertex] indexed array! 
//        EventHeader    fEvtHdr;
//        TClonesArray  *fTracks;
//        TRefArray     *fHighPt;            //array of High Pt tracks only
//        TRefArray     *fMuons;             //array of Muon tracks only
//        TRef           fLastTrack;         //pointer to last track
//        TRef           fHistoWeb;          //EXEC:GetHistoWeb reference to an histogram in a TWebFile
//        TH1F          *fH;
//   The EventHeader class has 3 data members (integers):
//     public:
//        Int_t          fEvtNum;
//        Int_t          fRun;
//        Int_t          fDate;
//   The Event data member fTracks is a pointer to a TClonesArray.
//   It is an array of a variable number of tracks per event.
//   Each element of the array is an object of class Track with the members:
//     private:
//        Float_t      fPx;           //X component of the momentum
//        Float_t      fPy;           //Y component of the momentum
//        Float_t      fPz;           //Z component of the momentum
//        Float_t      fRandom;       //A random track quantity
//        Float_t      fMass2;        //The mass square of this particle
//        Float_t      fBx;           //X intercept at the vertex
//        Float_t      fBy;           //Y intercept at the vertex
//        Float_t      fMeanCharge;   //Mean charge deposition of all hits of this track
//        Float_t      fXfirst;       //X coordinate of the first point
//        Float_t      fXlast;        //X coordinate of the last point
//        Float_t      fYfirst;       //Y coordinate of the first point
//        Float_t      fYlast;        //Y coordinate of the last point
//        Float_t      fZfirst;       //Z coordinate of the first point
//        Float_t      fZlast;        //Z coordinate of the last point
//        Float_t      fCharge;       //Charge of this track
//        Float_t      fVertex[3];    //Track vertex position
//        Int_t        fNpoint;       //Number of points for this track
//        Short_t      fValid;        //Validity criterion
//   An example of a batch program to use the Event/Track classes is given
//   in this directory: MainEvent.
//   Look also in the same directory at the following macros:
//     - eventa.C  an example how to read the tree
//     - eventb.C  how to read events conditionally
//   During the processing of the event (optionally) also a large number
//   of histograms can be filled. The creation and handling of the
//   histograms is taken care of by the HistogramManager class.

#include <iostream>
using std::cout;
using std::endl;

#include "TRandom.h"
#include "TDirectory.h"
#include "TProcessID.h"

#include "Event.h"


TClonesArray *Event::fgTracks = 0;
TH1F *Event::fgHist = 0;

void EventHeader::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b)
  cout << "In EventHeader::Streamer "  << endl;
  if ( R__b.IsReading() ) {
    cout << "Buffer is reading " << endl;
    UInt_t R__s, R__c;
    Version_t R__v = R__b.ReadVersion(&R__s,&R__c);
    cout << "Version "<< R__v << endl;
    if ( R__v > 1 ) {
    cout << "Processing old version " << endl;
    // process old versions pre-RunHeader base class
    R__b >> fEvtNum;
    R__b >> fRun;
    R__b >> fDate;
    // end of old versions
  } else {


   // Create an Event object.
   // When the constructor is invoked for the first time, the class static
   // variable fgTracks is 0 and the TClonesArray fgTracks is created.

   if (!fgTracks) fgTracks = new TClonesArray("Track", 1000);
   fTracks = fgTracks;
   fHighPt = new TRefArray;
   fMuons  = new TRefArray;
   fNtrack = 0;
   fH      = 0;
   Int_t i0,i1;
   for (i0 = 0; i0 < 4; i0++) {
      for (i1 = 0; i1 < 4; i1++) {
         fMatrix[i0][i1] = 0.0;
   for (i0 = 0; i0 <10; i0++) fMeasures[i0] = 0;
   fClosestDistance = 0;
   fEventName = 0;

   if (fH == fgHist) fgHist = 0;
   delete fH; fH = 0;
   delete fHighPt; fHighPt = 0;
   delete fMuons;  fMuons = 0;
   delete [] fClosestDistance;
   if (fEventName) delete [] fEventName;

void Event::Build(Int_t ev, Int_t arg5, Float_t ptmin) {
  char etype[20];
  Float_t sigmat, sigmas;
  Int_t ntrack   = Int_t(arg5 +arg5*sigmat/120.);
  Float_t random = gRandom->Rndm(1);

  //Save current Object count
  Int_t ObjectNumber = TProcessID::GetObjectCount();
  Int_t nch = 15;
  if (ev > 100)   nch += 3;
  if (ev > 10000) nch += 3;
  if (fEventName) delete [] fEventName;
  fEventName = new char[nch];
  SetHeader(ev, 200, 960312, random);

  for(UChar_t m = 0; m < 10; m++) {
     SetMeasure(m, Int_t(gRandom->Gaus(m,m+1)));
  for(UChar_t i0 = 0; i0 < 4; i0++) {
    for(UChar_t i1 = 0; i1 < 4; i1++) {

   //  Create and Fill the Track objects
  for (Int_t t = 0; t < ntrack; t++) AddTrack(random,ptmin);
  //Restore Object count 
  //To save space in the table keeping track of all referenced objects
  //we assume that our events do not address each other. We reset the 
  //object count to what it was at the beginning of the event.

Track *Event::AddTrack(Float_t random, Float_t ptmin)
   // Add a new track to the list of tracks for this event.
   // To avoid calling the very time consuming operator new for each track,
   // the standard but not well know C++ operator "new with placement"
   // is called. If tracks[i] is 0, a new Track object will be created
   // otherwise the previous Track[i] will be overwritten.

   TClonesArray &tracks = *fTracks;
   Track *track = new(tracks[fNtrack++]) Track(random);
   //Save reference to last Track in the collection of Tracks
   fLastTrack = track;
   //Save reference in fHighPt if track is a high Pt track
   if (track->GetPt() > ptmin)   fHighPt->Add(track);
   //Save reference in fMuons if track is a muon candidate
   if (track->GetMass2() < 0.11) fMuons->Add(track);
   return track;

void Event::Clear(Option_t *option)
   fTracks->Clear("C"); //will also call Track::Clear

void Event::Reset(Option_t *option)
// Static function to reset all static objects for this event
//   fgTracks->Delete(option);

   delete fgTracks; fgTracks = 0;
   fgHist   = 0;

void Event::SetHeader(Int_t i, Int_t run, Int_t date, Float_t random)
   fNtrack = 0;
   fEvtHdr.Set(i, run, date);
   if (!fgHist) fgHist = new TH1F("hstat","Event Histogram",100,0,1);
   fH = fgHist;

void Event::SetMeasure(UChar_t which, Int_t what) {
   if (which<10) fMeasures[which] = what;

void Event::SetRandomVertex() {
   // This delete is to test the relocation of variable length array
   if (fClosestDistance) delete [] fClosestDistance;
   if (!fNvertex) {
      fClosestDistance = 0;
   fClosestDistance = new Float_t[fNvertex];
   for (Int_t k = 0; k < fNvertex; k++ ) {
      fClosestDistance[k] = gRandom->Gaus(1,1);

Track::Track(Float_t random) : TObject()
   // Create a track object.
   // Note that in this example, data members do not have any physical meaning.

   Float_t a,b,px,py;
   fPx = px;
   fPy = py;
   fPz = TMath::Sqrt(px*px+py*py);
   fRandom = 1000*random;
   if (fRandom < 10) fMass2 = 0.106;
   else if (fRandom < 100) fMass2 = 0.8;
   else if (fRandom < 500) fMass2 = 4.5;
   else if (fRandom < 900) fMass2 = 8.9;
   else  fMass2 = 9.8;
   fBx = 0.1*a;
   fBy = 0.1*b;
   fMeanCharge = 0.01*gRandom->Rndm(1);
   fXfirst = a*10;
   fXlast  = b*10;
   fYfirst = a*12;
   fYlast  = b*16;
   fZfirst = 50 + 5*a;
   fZlast  = 200 + 10*b;
   fCharge = Float_t(Int_t(3*gRandom->Rndm(1)) - 1);
   fVertex[0] = gRandom->Gaus(0,0.1);
   fVertex[1] = gRandom->Gaus(0,0.2);
   fVertex[2] = gRandom->Gaus(0,10);
   fNpoint = Int_t(60+10*gRandom->Rndm(1));
   fNsp = Int_t(3*gRandom->Rndm(1));
   if (fNsp) {
      fPointValue = new Float_t[fNsp];
      for(int i=0; i<fNsp; i++) {
         fPointValue[i] = i+1;
   } else {
      fPointValue = 0;
   fValid  = Int_t(0.6+gRandom->Rndm(1));

HistogramManager::HistogramManager(TDirectory *dir)
   // Create histogram manager object. Histograms will be created
   // in the "dir" directory.

   // Save current directory and cd to "dir".
   TDirectory *saved = gDirectory;

   fNtrack      = new TH1F("hNtrack",    "Ntrack",100,575,625);
   fNseg        = new TH1F("hNseg",      "Nseg",100,5800,6200);
   fTemperature = new TH1F("hTemperature","Temperature",100,19.5,20.5);
   fPx          = new TH1F("hPx",        "Px",100,-4,4);
   fPy          = new TH1F("hPy",        "Py",100,-4,4);
   fPz          = new TH1F("hPz",        "Pz",100,0,5);
   fRandom      = new TH1F("hRandom",    "Random",100,0,1000);
   fMass2       = new TH1F("hMass2",     "Mass2",100,0,12);
   fBx          = new TH1F("hBx",        "Bx",100,-0.5,0.5);
   fBy          = new TH1F("hBy",        "By",100,-0.5,0.5);
   fMeanCharge  = new TH1F("hMeanCharge","MeanCharge",100,0,0.01);
   fXfirst      = new TH1F("hXfirst",    "Xfirst",100,-40,40);
   fXlast       = new TH1F("hXlast",     "Xlast",100,-40,40);
   fYfirst      = new TH1F("hYfirst",    "Yfirst",100,-40,40);
   fYlast       = new TH1F("hYlast",     "Ylast",100,-40,40);
   fZfirst      = new TH1F("hZfirst",    "Zfirst",100,0,80);
   fZlast       = new TH1F("hZlast",     "Zlast",100,0,250);
   fCharge      = new TH1F("hCharge",    "Charge",100,-1.5,1.5);
   fNpoint      = new TH1F("hNpoint",    "Npoint",100,50,80);
   fValid       = new TH1F("hValid",     "Valid",100,0,1.2);

   // cd back to original directory

   // Clean up all histograms.

   // Nothing to do. Histograms will be deleted when the directory
   // in which tey are stored is closed.

void HistogramManager::Hfill(Event *event)
   // Fill histograms.


   for (Int_t itrack = 0; itrack < event->GetNtrack(); itrack++) {
      Track *track = (Track*)event->GetTracks()->UncheckedAt(itrack);

#ifdef __CINT__

#pragma link off all globals;
#pragma link off all classes;
#pragma link off all functions;

#pragma link C++ class RunHeader+;
#pragma link C++ class EventHeader-;
#pragma link C++ class Event+;
#pragma link C++ class HistogramManager+;
#pragma link C++ class Track+;


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