Re: [ROOT] Streaming an array whose size is a non-const parameter

From: Carlos Muņoz Camacho (
Date: Fri Jan 31 2003 - 19:26:20 MET

On Fri, 31 Jan 2003, Arthur E. Snyder wrote:

>Maybe you could use an stl vector instead?

   I can, but then I need to call the push_back method every time I add an
element. As the size of the array is constant and known, I want to
allocate memory only once (and eventually re-use it for the next event)


>#include <vector>
>std::vector<Float_t> array;
>//add next element
>Int_t size=array.size();
>stl vectors should at least work in compiled code. I'm not sure if they're
>implemented in intrepreter.
>A.E. Snyder, Group EC                        \!c*p?/
>SLAC Mail Stop #95                          ((.   .))
>Box 4349                                        |
>Stanford, Ca, USA, 94309                      '\|/`
>                 o
>phone:650-926-2701                              _
>          BaBar
>FAX:650-926-2657                          Collaboration
>On Fri, 31 Jan 2003, Carlos Muņoz Camacho wrote:
>> Hi,
>>    I have a class similar to Event.h with an array of Float_t as a member.
>> I want the dimension of the array to be a non-const parameter (as it will
>> be read from an input file). The parameter is a static member of an
>> inherited class, but this can change. The important thing is I don't want
>> to hardcode the value of the parameter, because it is read from a file.
>>    The solution I found in the documentation is to allocate it dynamically
>> via a pointer and tell the streamer the size of the array in the
>> commentary field : //[fSize] . However, fSize needs to be a data member of
>> the class. Obviously, I don't want to save this data member to file
>> because it is constant for all the events. If I use fSize //! to avoid
>> writing it, I get an Error in <TStreamerInfo::Build>. Below is a short
>> example which reproduces the problem.
>> Is there a way around this?
>> ROOT 3.03/08 on a RH 7.2
>> File:  class.C
>> ______________________________________________________
>> #include "TObject.h"
>> class TEvent : public TObject {
>> private :
>> Int_t fSize;                //!
>> Float_t* fBlocks;           //[fSize]
>> ClassDef(TEvent,1)
>> };
>> _______________________________________________
>> Result:
>> CINT/ROOT C/C++ Interpreter version 5.15.53, Aug 15 2002
>> Type ? for help. Commands must be C++ statements.
>> Enclose multiple statements between { }.
>> root [0] .L class.C+
>> Info in <TUnixSystem::ACLiC>: creating shared library
>> /dsm/phnpcd232/local/home/cmunoz/./
>> root [1] TEvent *ev=new TEvent();
>> root [2] TTree t("t","My tree");
>> root [3] t.Branch("event","TEvent",&ev,16000,99);
>> Error in <TStreamerInfo::Build>: TEvent, discarding: Float_t* fBlocks,
>> illegal [fSize]
>> Carlos Munoz Camacho
>> SPhN/CEA-Saclay

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