[ROOT] Using rootd with Kerberos

From: Kris Hagel (hagel@comp.tamu.edu)
Date: Thu Mar 06 2003 - 00:18:50 MET

I have a problem which I hope a rootd Kerberos expert can help with.
I started on what I originally believed would be a simple exercise to 
use rootd.  I read the documentation, started up a rootd on the server 
using rootd -p 5151 and then tried to connect to it using root.

For the background, we run RedHat 7.2, gcc 2.96-98 and root v3.03.09. 
 We are using Kerberos as our authentication system, and root is 
compiled using --with-krb5 and it finds the kerberos software where I 
expect it to.

Since we are using Kerberos as our authentication system, to connect to 
rootd on the client side, I used
TFile *f = TFile::Open("rootk://comp.tamu.edu:5151/subdir/file.root");

I would get the error "server not found in Kerberos database using 

I have added what I think is a rood service principal.  I got it so that 
rootd showed up when typing klist -k.  I do not have an entry in the 
inetd.conf file as we use xinetd and I have manually started the rootd 

I am probably getting confused by something simple.  So the questions 
for rootd Kerberos experts who have managed to get this to work are (at 
a minimum):
1. Which machines need the rood service principal? server; client; both; 
kerberos server???
2. Do I need a rootd entry in the xinet.d directory if I have started up 
rootd to run in the background?  If so, what is it's syntax?
3. Is there anything else I am missing?

Any help is appreciated as this would help us unleash this powerful 
capability in root in our analysis.

Thank you.

Kris Hagel

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