Re: [ROOT] 9 histograms on a 3 X 3 canvas

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Sun Nov 09 2003 - 10:37:12 MET


There is a problem with the mailer. I already answered your mail.
A copy of my mail below

Rene Brun


If you do not want to see the 4 canvases together on the screen,
you need to define only one canvas. You can modify your code like

     Canvas = new TCanvas(Form("canvas, "",10,10,1000,900);
     for(j = 1,j <= num_hist; j++) {
     Canvas->cd(j % 10);
     if( j % 10 == 0 ) {

Read the principles of Draw/Paint and Canvas/Modify/Update in
the Users Guide or at:

Rene Brun

On Fri, 7 
Nov 2003, Venkatesh Kaushik wrote:

>  I have 33 histograms, do i have to define 33/9 = 4 canvases?
>  Or can i define a single canvas and reuse the same canvas?
>  I have a hard time understanding the
>  canvas update and canvas modified methods and their use.
>  Thanks for the help.
>  Venkat.
>     Here's what I do.
>     const int num_hist = 33;
>     const int num_canv = num_hist / 9 + 1 ;
>     // Define as many canvases and their properties
>    for(j = 0; j <= num_canv; j++) {
>      Canv[j] = new TCanvas(Form("c%d",j), "",10,10,1000,900);
>      Canv[j]->Divide(3,3);
>    }
>     ..
>     ... more code here
>     //Draw 9 histograms on one Canvas, 9 in the next, and so on..
>    for(j = 1,Int_t k = 0; j <= num_hist; j++) {
>      Canv[k]->cd(j % 10);
>      h[j]->Draw();
>      Canv[k]->Modified(); <----------------Can I get rid of this line
>      Canv[k]->Update();   <----------------and this line?
>     if( j % 10 == 0 ) {
> 	Canv[k]->Write(head[j]);
> 	k++;
>     }
>    }

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