Re: [ROOT] Latex in title axis

From: Vincent Roberfroid (
Date: Wed Dec 17 2003 - 09:47:35 MET

Why don't you use SetXTitle and SetYTitle, i.e. :

m_2dHist_m2VsMy->SetXTitle("#mu (GeV)")
m_2dHist_m2VsMy->SetYTitle("M_{2} (GeV)")


On Wednesday 17 December 2003 02:13, Christian Hansen wrote:
> Dear Rooters,
> Since I did not manage to write Latex code in my axis titles
> I tried TLatex for the axis titles instead. However, I encountered
> two problems;
> 1) I did not manage to turn the text for the y-axis around. I tried
> 	TLatex* text = new TLatex();
>   	text->SetTextSize(0.03);
>   	text->DrawLatex(0.45,0.05," #mu (GeV) ");
>   	text->PaintLatex(0.05,0.5,1.57,0.03," M_{2} (GeV) ");
>   	text->DrawLatex(0.05,0.5," M_{2} (GeV) ");
>    but even though I'm trying to put theta to 1.57 the M_2
>    is still written horisontally instead of vertically.
> 2) If I before the line with TLatex* draw the histogram
> 	m_2dHist_m2VsMy->Draw("CONTZ");
>   	TLatex* text = new TLatex()
>    I get the error message
> 	Error in <TGaxis::PaintAxis>: wmin (0.033741) == wmax (0.033741)
>    and both the texts (mu and M2) ends up in the same place in
>    the Canvas.
> If anyone could help me with these problems or how to write Latex code for
> the axis titles I would be very greatful.
> Cheers

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