[ROOT] It's faster to run root compiled by icc than gcc on Intel platforms

From: Exaos Lee (schlie@iris.ciae.ac.cn)
Date: Tue Feb 03 2004 - 18:06:30 MET

Hi, All.
I find that root will run faster if it is compiled by Intel C/C++ 
Compiler on Intel platforms. As I tested, it can run 30% faster by icc 
than by gcc on my PIV box.
But unfortunately, I cannot compile geant4 by icc and geant4 cannot work 
with root compiled by icc. :(

  *                                         *
  *        W E L C O M E  to  R O O T       *
  *                                         *
  *   Version   4.00/01   22 January 2004   *
  *                                         *
  *  You are welcome to visit our Web site  *
  *          http://root.cern.ch            *
  *                                         *

FreeType Engine v2.1.3 used to render TrueType fonts.
Compiled for linux with thread support.

CINT/ROOT C/C++ Interpreter version 5.15.117, Jan 4 2004
Type ? for help. Commands must be C++ statements.
Enclose multiple statements between { }.

Welcome to the ROOT tutorials

Type ".x demos.C" to get a toolbar from which to execute the demos

Type ".x demoshelp.C" to see the help window

Processing benchmarks.C...
hsimple   : Real Time =   1.38 seconds Cpu Time =   0.79 seconds
hsum      : Real Time =   0.90 seconds Cpu Time =   0.58 seconds

Object statistics
class                         cnt    on heap     size    total size    heap size
TObject                       110        110       12          1320         1320
TList                          17         17       44           748          748
THashList                       2          2       48            96           96
TObjString                    321        321       20          6420         6420
TPair                         321        321       20          6420         6420
TOrdCollection                  6          6       44           264          264
TClassTable                     1          1       12            12           12
TPluginManager                  1          1       16            16           16
TRandom                         1          1       32            32           32
THashTable                      3          3       40           120          120
TObjectTable                    1          1       24            24           24
TEnv                            1          1       24            24           24
TMap                            1          0       28            28            0
TUnixSystem                     1          1      376           376          376
TROOT                           1          0      308           308            0
Total:                        788        786     1048         16208        15872

fillrandom: Real Time =   0.15 seconds Cpu Time =   0.06 seconds
TFile**		fillrandom.root	
 TFile*		fillrandom.root	
  KEY: TFormula	form1;1	abs(sin(x)/x)
  KEY: TF1	sqroot;1	x*gaus(0)+[3]*form1
  KEY: TH1F	h1f;1	Test random numbers
               sqroot : x*gaus(0)+[3]*form1 Ndim= 1, Npar= 4, Noper= 11
 fExpr[0] = x  action = 144 action param = 0 
 fExpr[1] = gaus(0)  action = 110 action param = 0 
 fExpr[2] = *  action = 3 action param = 0 
 fExpr[3] = [3]  action = 140 action param = 3 
 fExpr[4] = x  action = 144 action param = 0 
 fExpr[5] = sin  action = 11 action param = 0 
 fExpr[6] = x  action = 144 action param = 0 
 fExpr[7] = /  action = 4 action param = 0 
 fExpr[8] = abs  action = 41 action param = 0 
 fExpr[9] = *  action = 3 action param = 0 
 fExpr[10] = +  action = 1 action param = 0 
 Par  0                    p0 = 10
 Par  1                    p1 = 4
 Par  2                    p2 = 1
 Par  3                    p3 = 20
TH1.Print Name= Func, Entries= 100, Total sum= 1514.36
 FCN=191.938 FROM MIGRAD    STATUS=CONVERGED     125 CALLS         126 TOTAL
                     EDM=3.04297e-07    STRATEGY= 1  ERROR MATRIX UNCERTAINTY   2.1 per cent
  EXT PARAMETER                                   STEP         FIRST   
  NO.   NAME      VALUE            ERROR          SIZE      DERIVATIVE 
   1  p0           3.29813e+01   5.33605e-01  -6.73622e-04   9.77958e-04
   2  p1           3.98897e+00   1.76566e-02  -1.60737e-04   6.03749e-02
   3  p2           1.00021e+00   1.31769e-02   5.11839e-05   3.08495e-02
   4  p3           6.29888e+01   1.32324e+00   3.05003e-04   2.96136e-04
fit1      : Real Time =   0.17 seconds Cpu Time =   0.08 seconds
TFile**		hsimple.root	Demo ROOT file with histograms
 TFile*		hsimple.root	Demo ROOT file with histograms
  KEY: TH1F	hpx;1	This is the px distribution
  KEY: TH2F	hpxpy;1	py vs px
  KEY: TProfile	hprof;1	Profile of pz versus px
  KEY: TNtuple	ntuple;1	Demo ntuple
 i 0 0.000000 1.986693 
 i 1 0.100000 2.955202 
 i 2 0.200000 3.894183 
 i 3 0.300000 4.794255 
 i 4 0.400000 5.646425 
 i 5 0.500000 6.442177 
 i 6 0.600000 7.173561 
 i 7 0.700000 7.833269 
 i 8 0.800000 8.414710 
 i 9 0.900000 8.912074 
 i 10 1.000000 9.320391 
 i 11 1.100000 9.635582 
 i 12 1.200000 9.854497 
 i 13 1.300000 9.974950 
 i 14 1.400000 9.995736 
 i 15 1.500000 9.916648 
 i 16 1.600000 9.738476 
 i 17 1.700000 9.463001 
 i 18 1.800000 9.092974 
 i 19 1.900000 8.632094 
tornado   : Real Time =   0.10 seconds Cpu Time =   0.07 seconds
na49      : Real Time =   1.49 seconds Cpu Time =   1.43 seconds
geometry  : Real Time =   0.21 seconds Cpu Time =   0.21 seconds
na49view  : Real Time =   0.13 seconds Cpu Time =   0.01 seconds
na49view  : Real Time =   0.38 seconds Cpu Time =   0.08 seconds
 FCN=20.7944 FROM MIGRAD    STATUS=CONVERGED      65 CALLS          66 TOTAL
                     EDM=3.90725e-14    STRATEGY= 1      ERROR MATRIX ACCURATE 
  EXT PARAMETER                                   STEP         FIRST   
  NO.   NAME      VALUE            ERROR          SIZE      DERIVATIVE 
   1  p0           1.56416e+00   1.80510e-01   3.20780e-05  -1.93867e-05
   2  p1           1.01361e-02   2.43967e-02   8.64192e-06  -7.37096e-05
   3  p2           8.76773e-01   1.61451e-02   2.32044e-06  -2.69818e-04
ntuple1   : Real Time =   0.59 seconds Cpu Time =   0.40 seconds
---------------ROOT 4.00/01 benchmarks summary--------------------
hsimple   : Real Time =   1.38 seconds Cpu Time =   0.79 seconds
hsum      : Real Time =   0.90 seconds Cpu Time =   0.58 seconds
fillrandom: Real Time =   0.15 seconds Cpu Time =   0.06 seconds
fit1      : Real Time =   0.17 seconds Cpu Time =   0.08 seconds
tornado   : Real Time =   0.10 seconds Cpu Time =   0.07 seconds
na49      : Real Time =   1.49 seconds Cpu Time =   1.43 seconds
geometry  : Real Time =   0.21 seconds Cpu Time =   0.21 seconds
na49view  : Real Time =   0.38 seconds Cpu Time =   0.08 seconds
ntuple1   : Real Time =   0.59 seconds Cpu Time =   0.40 seconds
TOTAL     : Real Time =   5.37 seconds Cpu Time =   3.70 seconds

---------------ROOT 4.00/01 benchmarks summary (in ROOTMARKS)-----
   For comparison, a Pentium IV 2.4Ghz is benchmarked at 600 ROOTMARKS
hsimple     =  430.43 RealMARKS,  =  326.58 CpuMARKS
hsum        =  660.00 RealMARKS,  =  248.28 CpuMARKS
fillrandom  = 1920.00 RealMARKS,  =  400.00 CpuMARKS
fit1        =  458.82 RealMARKS,  =  225.00 CpuMARKS
tornado     =  660.00 RealMARKS,  =  257.14 CpuMARKS
na49        =  559.73 RealMARKS,  =  583.22 CpuMARKS
geometry    =  542.86 RealMARKS,  =  514.29 CpuMARKS
na49view    =  521.05 RealMARKS,  =  375.00 CpuMARKS
ntuple1     = 1820.34 RealMARKS,  =  420.00 CpuMARKS

* Your machine is estimated at  601.98 ROOTMARKS   *

This is the end of ROOT -- Goodbye

  *                                         *
  *        W E L C O M E  to  R O O T       *
  *                                         *
  *   Version   4.00/01   22 January 2004   *
  *                                         *
  *  You are welcome to visit our Web site  *
  *          http://root.cern.ch            *
  *                                         *

FreeType Engine v2.1.3 used to render TrueType fonts.
Compiled for linux with thread support.

CINT/ROOT C/C++ Interpreter version 5.15.117, Jan 4 2004
Type ? for help. Commands must be C++ statements.
Enclose multiple statements between { }.

Welcome to the ROOT tutorials

Type ".x demos.C" to get a toolbar from which to execute the demos

Type ".x demoshelp.C" to see the help window

Processing benchmarks.C...
hsimple   : Real Time =   1.13 seconds Cpu Time =   0.63 seconds
hsum      : Real Time =   0.78 seconds Cpu Time =   0.47 seconds

Object statistics
class                         cnt    on heap     size    total size    heap size
TObject                       110        110       12          1320         1320
TList                          17         17       44           748          748
THashList                       2          2       48            96           96
TObjString                    320        320       20          6400         6400
TPair                         320        320       20          6400         6400
TOrdCollection                  6          6       44           264          264
THashTable                      3          3       40           120          120
TROOT                           1          0      308           308            0
TClassTable                     1          1       12            12           12
TObjectTable                    1          1       24            24           24
TMap                            1          0       28            28            0
TPluginManager                  1          1       16            16           16
TRandom                         1          1       32            32           32
TUnixSystem                     1          1      376           376          376
TEnv                            1          1       24            24           24
Total:                        786        784     1048         16168        15832

fillrandom: Real Time =   0.12 seconds Cpu Time =   0.04 seconds
TFile**		fillrandom.root	
 TFile*		fillrandom.root	
  KEY: TFormula	form1;1	abs(sin(x)/x)
  KEY: TF1	sqroot;1	x*gaus(0)+[3]*form1
  KEY: TH1F	h1f;1	Test random numbers
               sqroot : x*gaus(0)+[3]*form1 Ndim= 1, Npar= 4, Noper= 11
 fExpr[0] = x  action = 144 action param = 0 
 fExpr[1] = gaus(0)  action = 110 action param = 0 
 fExpr[2] = *  action = 3 action param = 0 
 fExpr[3] = [3]  action = 140 action param = 3 
 fExpr[4] = x  action = 144 action param = 0 
 fExpr[5] = sin  action = 11 action param = 0 
 fExpr[6] = x  action = 144 action param = 0 
 fExpr[7] = /  action = 4 action param = 0 
 fExpr[8] = abs  action = 41 action param = 0 
 fExpr[9] = *  action = 3 action param = 0 
 fExpr[10] = +  action = 1 action param = 0 
 Par  0                    p0 = 10
 Par  1                    p1 = 4
 Par  2                    p2 = 1
 Par  3                    p3 = 20
TH1.Print Name= Func, Entries= 100, Total sum= 1514.36
 FCN=191.938 FROM MIGRAD    STATUS=CONVERGED     125 CALLS         126 TOTAL
                     EDM=3.04297e-07    STRATEGY= 1  ERROR MATRIX UNCERTAINTY   2.1 per cent
  EXT PARAMETER                                   STEP         FIRST   
  NO.   NAME      VALUE            ERROR          SIZE      DERIVATIVE 
   1  p0           3.29813e+01   5.33605e-01  -6.73622e-04   9.77958e-04
   2  p1           3.98897e+00   1.76566e-02  -1.60737e-04   6.03749e-02
   3  p2           1.00021e+00   1.31769e-02   5.11839e-05   3.08495e-02
   4  p3           6.29888e+01   1.32324e+00   3.05003e-04   2.96136e-04
fit1      : Real Time =   0.14 seconds Cpu Time =   0.06 seconds
TFile**		hsimple.root	Demo ROOT file with histograms
 TFile*		hsimple.root	Demo ROOT file with histograms
  KEY: TH1F	hpx;1	This is the px distribution
  KEY: TH2F	hpxpy;1	py vs px
  KEY: TProfile	hprof;1	Profile of pz versus px
  KEY: TNtuple	ntuple;1	Demo ntuple
 i 0 0.000000 1.986693 
 i 1 0.100000 2.955202 
 i 2 0.200000 3.894183 
 i 3 0.300000 4.794255 
 i 4 0.400000 5.646425 
 i 5 0.500000 6.442177 
 i 6 0.600000 7.173561 
 i 7 0.700000 7.833269 
 i 8 0.800000 8.414710 
 i 9 0.900000 8.912074 
 i 10 1.000000 9.320391 
 i 11 1.100000 9.635582 
 i 12 1.200000 9.854497 
 i 13 1.300000 9.974950 
 i 14 1.400000 9.995736 
 i 15 1.500000 9.916648 
 i 16 1.600000 9.738476 
 i 17 1.700000 9.463001 
 i 18 1.800000 9.092974 
 i 19 1.900000 8.632094 
tornado   : Real Time =   0.04 seconds Cpu Time =   0.03 seconds
na49      : Real Time =   0.99 seconds Cpu Time =   0.99 seconds
geometry  : Real Time =   0.18 seconds Cpu Time =   0.15 seconds
na49view  : Real Time =   0.13 seconds Cpu Time =   0.02 seconds
na49view  : Real Time =   0.37 seconds Cpu Time =   0.09 seconds
 FCN=20.7944 FROM MIGRAD    STATUS=CONVERGED      65 CALLS          66 TOTAL
                     EDM=5.40294e-14    STRATEGY= 1      ERROR MATRIX ACCURATE 
  EXT PARAMETER                                   STEP         FIRST   
  NO.   NAME      VALUE            ERROR          SIZE      DERIVATIVE 
   1  p0           1.56416e+00   1.80511e-01   3.20780e-05   2.30578e-05
   2  p1           1.01361e-02   2.43968e-02   8.64192e-06   8.16881e-05
   3  p2           8.76773e-01   1.61451e-02   2.32044e-06   3.17694e-04
ntuple1   : Real Time =   0.46 seconds Cpu Time =   0.30 seconds
---------------ROOT 4.00/01 benchmarks summary--------------------
hsimple   : Real Time =   1.13 seconds Cpu Time =   0.63 seconds
hsum      : Real Time =   0.78 seconds Cpu Time =   0.47 seconds
fillrandom: Real Time =   0.12 seconds Cpu Time =   0.04 seconds
fit1      : Real Time =   0.14 seconds Cpu Time =   0.06 seconds
tornado   : Real Time =   0.04 seconds Cpu Time =   0.03 seconds
na49      : Real Time =   0.99 seconds Cpu Time =   0.99 seconds
geometry  : Real Time =   0.18 seconds Cpu Time =   0.15 seconds
na49view  : Real Time =   0.37 seconds Cpu Time =   0.09 seconds
ntuple1   : Real Time =   0.46 seconds Cpu Time =   0.30 seconds
TOTAL     : Real Time =   4.21 seconds Cpu Time =   2.76 seconds

---------------ROOT 4.00/01 benchmarks summary (in ROOTMARKS)-----
   For comparison, a Pentium IV 2.4Ghz is benchmarked at 600 ROOTMARKS
hsimple     =  525.66 RealMARKS,  =  409.52 CpuMARKS
hsum        =  761.54 RealMARKS,  =  306.38 CpuMARKS
fillrandom  = 2400.00 RealMARKS,  =  600.00 CpuMARKS
fit1        =  557.14 RealMARKS,  =  300.00 CpuMARKS
tornado     = 1650.00 RealMARKS,  =  600.00 CpuMARKS
na49        =  842.42 RealMARKS,  =  842.42 CpuMARKS
geometry    =  633.33 RealMARKS,  =  720.00 CpuMARKS
na49view    =  535.14 RealMARKS,  =  333.33 CpuMARKS
ntuple1     = 2334.78 RealMARKS,  =  560.00 CpuMARKS

* Your machine is estimated at  783.36 ROOTMARKS   *

This is the end of ROOT -- Goodbye

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