[ROOT] Bug in THbookFile ctor for non existing files

From: Y. Shitov (shitov@cenbg.in2p3.fr)
Date: Wed Feb 11 2004 - 18:23:43 MET

Dear ROOTers,

I think that I found the bug in THbookFile class. The point is that
  ctor works incorrectly opening non existing HBOOK file.

The following script demonstrates the problem:

void rz() {
  if (!TClassTable::GetDict("THbookFile"))
  THbookFile *f;
  Int_t i=0;
  while (++i) {
    f = new THbookFile("blablabla");
	 cout << i << "-th step: Current directory is '" 
			<< f->GetCurDir() << "'. ";
	 if (i<10)
		cout << "OK." << endl;
	 else {
		cout << "fgLuns stack is full. " 
		  "Can't open any THbookFile objects more..." << endl;
	 // delete f;

There are two points here:
1. One need to reset non-used item in the	container of  free logical units
in ctor (see code below).

2. Call of dtor in code above (commented line) leads to crash, because
lists deleted there are not initialized in this particular case.

Best wishes,

Correction proposed for THbookFile::THbookFile(const char *fname, Int_t lrecl)

> if (ier) printf (" Error on hropen was %d \n", ier);
> if (quest[0]) {
> 	 printf("Error cannot open input file: %s\n",fname);
> }
> if (ier || quest[0]) {
> 	 fLun = 0;
> 	 MakeZombie();
> 	 return;
> }

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