RE: [ROOT] Problem with Automatic schema evolution?

From: Philippe Canal (
Date: Tue Mar 30 2004 - 20:57:33 MEST

Hi Ruben,

In a TBranchObject (used in your 'OLD format') the default is for
AutoDelete to be True (to allow polymorphism on those non-split branches).

The default for a non-split TClonesArray is to create a TBranchObject branch
(hence AutoDelete is True).

If you set the split level for the TClonesArray to 1.  The AutoDelete will
be set to False.  However the consequence is that your TestReadWrite needs
to be updated to support the fact that in your input tree the TClonesArray
are recreated.  I.e. you need to reset the addresses of the output tree after
each input tree read:

   void ResetReadAddresses() {
     for (int i=0;i<kNSensors;i++) {
        if (BrOut[i]->GetSplitLevel()>0) {

With the Split level of TClonesArray set to 0, you can also make the
SetAutoDelete(kFALSE) permanent by just adding (just before saving the 
output tree):

  if (writemode==1) {
     for (int i=0;i<kNSensors;i++) {

> but when I am reading it back it still misses the offsets:

You need the code in the ROOT CVS repository (as of 3/27/2004 or later).
ROOT 4.00/03 as distributed on the web page will NOT work.


-----Original Message-----
From: Ruben Shahoyan []
Sent: Monday, March 29, 2004 7:13 PM
To: Philippe Canal
Subject: RE: [ROOT] Problem with Automatic schema evolution?

Hello Philippe,
sorry for long message, but very soon na60 shall start large data 
processing, and I want to be sure in my code...

On Mon, 29 Mar 2004, Philippe Canal wrote:
> > But I noticed that even in this case the TClonesArrays were recreated
> > at every GetEntry()
> This is surprising.  Could you send me your current code?
I attach the toy version of na60's digit's storage: when TestGen and
TestReadWrite are called with first non-zero parameter, one branch
per TClonesArray is created, otherwise the data is stored in old mode:
single TObjArray of TClonesArrays...

My aim is to convert our old trees to new format:

1) I generate the old tree:

root [0] .L TestDigit1.cxx+
root [1] TestGen(0,"test0.root")
Write in OLD format:  Single Branch/Detector
Event 0
Col#  0 Row#   3 |  Digit# 0 of Sensor 0 | In Clus# -1, Track Ptr: (nil) |
Col#  1 Row#  18 |  Digit# 1 of Sensor 0 | In Clus# -1, Track Ptr: (nil) |
Col# 10 Row#  10 |  Digit# 0 of Sensor 1 | In Clus# -1, Track Ptr: (nil) |
Col# 11 Row#   4 |  Digit# 1 of Sensor 1 | In Clus# -1, Track Ptr: (nil) |
Event 1
Col# 100 Row#   9 |  Digit# 0 of Sensor 0 | In Clus# -1, Track Ptr: (nil) |
Col# 110 Row#   1 |  Digit# 0 of Sensor 1 | In Clus# -1, Track Ptr: (nil) |

Input: -------------------------------------------

Output: -------------------------------------------
Old Detector branch: detBranch, Address: 0x414c101c  AutoDelete: 1

State of sensor arrays: 
Name: sens0, Size: 10  Last: 0
Name: sens1, Size: 10  Last: 0
root [2] .q

2) I read this tree and rewrite it in a new format

root [0] .L TestDigit1.cxx+     
root [1] TestReadWrite(1,"test0.root","test01.root")  
Write in NEW format: Detector is split in 1 branch/sensor
Read OLD format: Single Branch/Detector
Event 0
Read 255 bytes
Col#  0 Row#   3 |  Digit# 0 of Sensor 0 | In Clus# -1, Track Ptr: (nil) |
Col#  1 Row#  18 |  Digit# 1 of Sensor 0 | In Clus# -1, Track Ptr: (nil) |
Col# 10 Row#  10 |  Digit# 0 of Sensor 1 | In Clus# -1, Track Ptr: (nil) |
Col# 11 Row#   4 |  Digit# 1 of Sensor 1 | In Clus# -1, Track Ptr: (nil) |
Wrote 218 bytes
Event 1
Read 203 bytes
Col# 100 Row#   9 |  Digit# 0 of Sensor 0 | In Clus# -1, Track Ptr: (nil) |
Col# 110 Row#   1 |  Digit# 0 of Sensor 1 | In Clus# -1, Track Ptr: (nil) |
Wrote 166 bytes

Input: -------------------------------------------
Old Detector branch: detBranch, Address: 0x414c101c  AutoDelete: 1

Output: -------------------------------------------
New Sensor branch: sens0, Address: 0x414c3ce4  AutoDelete: 1
New Sensor branch: sens1, Address: 0x414c3ce8  AutoDelete: 1

State of sensor arrays: 
Name: sens0, Size: 1  Last: 0
Name: sens1, Size: 1  Last: 0
root [2] .q

3) Now I can read the tree in a new format:
root [0] .L TestDigit1.cxx+
root [1] TestRead("test01.root")
Read NEW format: Detector is split in 1 branch/sensor
Event 0
Read 218 bytes
Col#  0 Row#   3 |  Digit# 0 of Sensor 0 | In Clus# -1, Track Ptr: (nil) |
Col#  1 Row#  18 |  Digit# 1 of Sensor 0 | In Clus# -1, Track Ptr: (nil) |
Col# 10 Row#  10 |  Digit# 0 of Sensor 1 | In Clus# -1, Track Ptr: (nil) |
Col# 11 Row#   4 |  Digit# 1 of Sensor 1 | In Clus# -1, Track Ptr: (nil) |
Event 1
Read 166 bytes
Col# 100 Row#   9 |  Digit# 0 of Sensor 0 | In Clus# -1, Track Ptr: (nil) |
Col# 110 Row#   1 |  Digit# 0 of Sensor 1 | In Clus# -1, Track Ptr: (nil) |

Input: -------------------------------------------
New Sensor branch: sens0, Address: 0x414c3ce4  AutoDelete: 1
New Sensor branch: sens1, Address: 0x414c3ce8  AutoDelete: 1

Output: -------------------------------------------

State of sensor arrays: 
Name: sens0, Size: 1  Last: 0
Name: sens1, Size: 1  Last: 0
root [2] .q

As you can see, the 2 input branches for tclonesarrays have AutoDelete set on, and the arrays
themselves were regenarated: after the last reading their size is equal to number of digits in
the last event. But it startes to reuse the initial arrays provided I set AutoDelete off:

root [0] .L TestDigit1.cxx+
root [1] NoAuto = 1;       
root [2] TestRead("test01.root")
Read NEW format: Detector is split in 1 branch/sensor
Event 0
Read 218 bytes
Col#  0 Row#   3 |  Digit# 0 of Sensor 0 | In Clus# -1, Track Ptr: (nil) |
Col#  1 Row#  18 |  Digit# 1 of Sensor 0 | In Clus# -1, Track Ptr: (nil) |
Col# 10 Row#  10 |  Digit# 0 of Sensor 1 | In Clus# -1, Track Ptr: (nil) |
Col# 11 Row#   4 |  Digit# 1 of Sensor 1 | In Clus# -1, Track Ptr: (nil) |
Event 1
Read 166 bytes
Col# 100 Row#   9 |  Digit# 0 of Sensor 0 | In Clus# -1, Track Ptr: (nil) |
Col# 110 Row#   1 |  Digit# 0 of Sensor 1 | In Clus# -1, Track Ptr: (nil) |

Input: -------------------------------------------
New Sensor branch: sens0, Address: 0x414c3ce4  AutoDelete: 0
New Sensor branch: sens1, Address: 0x414c3ce8  AutoDelete: 0

Output: -------------------------------------------

State of sensor arrays: 
Name: sens0, Size: 10  Last: 0
Name: sens1, Size: 10  Last: 0

Now it looks fine, the sizes of arrays are equal to initial ones.

Now concerning the bug in TStreamerInfo: the previous examples were with version 1 of the NaDigit1D
class. If I now uncomment STOREFULLINFO in TestDigit1.h, and try to rewrite a tree with OLD branch with 
NaDigit1D verison 1 as a tree with NEW branches and NaDigit1D version 2, I am able to write it:

root [0] .L TestDigit1.cxx+     
root [1] TestReadWrite(1,"test0.root","test01c2.root") 
Write in NEW format: Detector is split in 1 branch/sensor
Read OLD format: Single Branch/Detector
Event 0
Read 255 bytes
Col#  0 Row#   3 |  Digit# 0 of Sensor 0 | In Clus# -1, Track Ptr: (nil) | X:  0.0 Y:  0.0 Z:  0.0 E:  0.0
Col#  1 Row#  18 |  Digit# 1 of Sensor 0 | In Clus# -1, Track Ptr: (nil) | X:  0.0 Y:  0.0 Z:  0.0 E:  0.0
Col# 10 Row#  10 |  Digit# 0 of Sensor 1 | In Clus# -1, Track Ptr: (nil) | X:  0.0 Y:  0.0 Z:  0.0 E:  0.0
Col# 11 Row#   4 |  Digit# 1 of Sensor 1 | In Clus# -1, Track Ptr: (nil) | X:  0.0 Y:  0.0 Z:  0.0 E:  0.0
Wrote 282 bytes
Event 1
Read 203 bytes
Col# 100 Row#   9 |  Digit# 0 of Sensor 0 | In Clus# -1, Track Ptr: (nil) | X:  0.0 Y:  0.0 Z:  0.0 E:  0.0
Col# 110 Row#   1 |  Digit# 0 of Sensor 1 | In Clus# -1, Track Ptr: (nil) | X:  0.0 Y:  0.0 Z:  0.0 E:  0.0
Wrote 198 bytes

Input: -------------------------------------------
Old Detector branch: detBranch, Address: 0x414c101c  AutoDelete: 1

Output: -------------------------------------------
New Sensor branch: sens0, Address: 0x414c3e44  AutoDelete: 1
New Sensor branch: sens1, Address: 0x414c3e48  AutoDelete: 1

State of sensor arrays: 
Name: sens0, Size: 1  Last: 0
Name: sens1, Size: 1  Last: 0
root [2] .q

but when I am reading it back it still misses the offsets:

root [0] .L TestDigit1.cxx+                           
root [1] NoAuto = 1;                                  
root [2] TestRead("test01c2.root")                    
Read NEW format: Detector is split in 1 branch/sensor
Event 0
Read 282 bytes
Col#  0 Row#   3 |  Digit# 0 of Sensor 0 | In Clus# 18, Track Ptr: (nil) | X:  0.0 Y:  0.0 Z:  0.0 E:  0.0
Col#  1 Row#  -1 |  Digit# 1 of Sensor 0 | In Clus# -1, Track Ptr: (nil) | X:  0.0 Y:  0.0 Z:  0.0 E:  0.0
Col# 10 Row#  10 |  Digit# 0 of Sensor 1 | In Clus#  4, Track Ptr: (nil) | X:  0.0 Y:  0.0 Z:  0.0 E:  0.0
Col# 11 Row#  -1 |  Digit# 1 of Sensor 1 | In Clus# -1, Track Ptr: (nil) | X:  0.0 Y:  0.0 Z:  0.0 E:  0.0
Event 1
Read 198 bytes
Col# 100 Row#   9 |  Digit# 0 of Sensor 0 | In Clus# -1, Track Ptr: (nil) | X:  0.0 Y:  0.0 Z:  0.0 E:  0.0
Col# 110 Row#   1 |  Digit# 0 of Sensor 1 | In Clus# -1, Track Ptr: (nil) | X:  0.0 Y:  0.0 Z:  0.0 E:  0.0

Input: -------------------------------------------
New Sensor branch: sens0, Address: 0x414c3e44  AutoDelete: 0
New Sensor branch: sens1, Address: 0x414c3e48  AutoDelete: 0

Output: -------------------------------------------

State of sensor arrays: 
Name: sens0, Size: 10  Last: 0
Name: sens1, Size: 10  Last: 0
root [3] .q


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