Re: [ROOT] THStack Limits

From: Jiri Masik (
Date: Fri Jun 18 2004 - 13:01:25 MEST

Matthew D Wood <> writes:

> Hi.  I am trying to draw multiple histograms on the same canvas using the
> THStack class.  I notice that when I try to look at histograms on a log
> scale the limits of the axis don't get set properly.  Below I include the
> example code.  In this example the lower limit gets set to 100 so the
> contents of the second histogram are not visible.  
> 	I am using the root version 4.00/04 with gcc 2.96 and RH
> 7.1.  Thanks for your help.
> Matthew Wood
> {
> TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas();
> gPad->SetLogy();
> TH1F *hist1 = new TH1F("hist1","hist1",100,0,10);
> TH1F *hist2 = new TH1F("hist2","hist2",100,0,10);
> hist1->Fill(1,1E5);
> hist2->Fill(2,1);
> THStack *hs = new THStack();
> hs->Add(hist1);
> hs->Add(hist2);
> hs->Draw("nostack");
> }

Hi Matthew,

when the log scale is on and the minimum of the stacked histograms is 0.,
the value of maximum/1000. is used as the minimum for stack drawing. 
I'll submit a modification to look for a non-zero minimum in this case. 
You can use hs->SetMinimum for the time being.


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