Re: removing labels from TAxis (?)

From: Olivier Couet <>
Date: Tue, 10 May 2005 12:59:58 +0200 (CEST)

Hi Mateusz,

 May be you can try to enlarge the X axis range in a such way that the first and/or last values do not correspond to an exact value. Doing that the optimizer will leave a "space" at the beginning and the end of the axis.

Cheers, Olivier

On Tue, 10 May 2005, Mateusz Ploskon wrote:

> Hi!
> Thank You for Your reply Olivier, however that is not what I had in mind...
> The figure I have send is produced by a generic function where the no. of
> columns and rows iare naturally parameters... Therefore when drawing a (given)
> number of the histograms with (not known) XY axis ranges it is somewhat
> ridiculus to optimize/force the Ndivisions "by hand" for each picture I want
> to produce... I would like to know if there's possibility to avoid drawing the
> first or the last of the TAxis labels (which is most of the times the case...)
> - e.g. I would like that ROOT makes the label optimization around given
> N-divisions, but does not draw the last label (which most often goes out of
> TPad boundaries when TPad::SetRightMargin(0) for X axis or
> TPad::SetTopMargin(0) for Y axis...
> Thanks much!
> mateusz

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