Hi Marc,
are you compiling your code with a Makefile or using aclic? If you are using a Makefile you should not forget to generate the dictionaries from you class header file using rootcint. If you are using aclic the dictionaries should be generated automatically.
But from the warning lines you sent, it seems you are not loading the appropriate shared libs(the one containing the dictionaries) when you try to read a root file containing the objects in question.
Can you send us more information?
2011/9/28 Marc Escalier <escalier_at_lal.in2p3.fr>
> thanks Venkat
> actually, i have no file "LinkDef.h" in my program
> would you have an idea ?
> just for information, my program is a compiled one, with the main code
> being a class that inheritate from TSelector, after having used
> MakeSelector() to create it
> ======================
> On Wed, 28 Sep 2011, Venkatesh Kaushik wrote:
> Hi Marc,
>> For the second warning, you need to include
>> in your LinkDef.h the following:
>> #pragma link C++ class std::pair<std::string, std::string>;
>> The first one is (I think ATLAS specific and no dictionary
>> is available).
>> - Venkat
>> Marc Escalier wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> would somebody know what is the meaning of :
>>> Warning in <TClass::TClass>: no dictionary for class
>>> AttributeListLayout is available
>>> Warning in <TClass::TClass>: no dictionary for class
>>> pair<string,string> is available
>>> thanks
>> --
>> ==============================**===========================
>> Venkatesh Kaushik
>> Research Associate
>> University of Arizona ATLAS Experiment_at_CERN
>> Office: PAS 334 40-1-C11
>> Tucson, Arizona Gen?ve, Switzerland
>> Tel: +1 520 626 7042 +41 22 76 79137
>> venkat_at_physics.arizona.edu venkat.kaushik_at_cern.ch
>> http://atlas.physics.arizona.**edu/~venkat<http://atlas.physics.arizona.edu/%7Evenkat>
>> ==============================**===========================
Received on Wed Sep 28 2011 - 20:21:32 CEST
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