Re: no dictionary

From: Marc Escalier <>
Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2011 20:47:20 +0200


so, i use a Makefile
i generate the dictionnaries .so, in particular from the main class that contains the main code, using rootcint, with


   //  to produce : .L checkOQ.C+; to create the
   //.L checkOQ.C+
   // needs to do -tag=,AtlasProduction before
   TChain *mychain_data=new TChain("photon");    mychain_data->Add("/sps/atlas/groups/photons/PhotonD3PD/data/p541/Skimmed/2011/PeriodB/group10.phys-higgs.HSG1.Skim2g20loose_data11_7TeV.00177986.physics_Egamma.merge.NTUP_PHOTON.r2276_p516_p523_p541_v0001.110427183221/*root*");

   gSystem->AddIncludePath("-I/afs/");    gSystem->AddIncludePath("-I/afs/");

   mychain_data->Process("ComputeInvariantMass.cxx+"); //note the "+"

-->this creates

> But from the warning lines you sent, it seems you are not loading the appropriate shared libs(the one containing the
> dictionaries) when you try to read a root file containing the objects in question.

maybe : actually i don't understand what is the meaing of "loading the library"

just in case : in my code, i have put :

-->no impact on this warning

On Wed, 28 Sep 2011, Marcelo Zimbres wrote:

> Hi Marc,
> are you compiling your code with a Makefile or using aclic? If you are using a Makefile you should not forget to
> generate the dictionaries from you class header file using rootcint. If you are using aclic the dictionaries should be
> generated automatically.
> But from the warning lines you sent, it seems you are not loading the appropriate shared libs(the one containing the
> dictionaries) when you try to read a root file containing the objects in question.
> Can you send us more information?
> Cheers
> Marcelo
> 2011/9/28 Marc Escalier <>
> thanks Venkat
> actually, i have no file "LinkDef.h" in my program
> would you have an idea ?
> just for information, my program is a compiled one, with the main code being a class that inheritate from
> TSelector, after having used MakeSelector() to create it
> ======================
> On Wed, 28 Sep 2011, Venkatesh Kaushik wrote:
> Hi Marc,
> For the second warning, you need to include
> in your LinkDef.h the following:
> #pragma link C++ class std::pair<std::string, std::string>;
> The first one is (I think ATLAS specific and no dictionary
> is available).
> - Venkat
> Marc Escalier wrote:
> Hello,
> would somebody know what is the meaning of :
> Warning in <TClass::TClass>: no dictionary for class
> AttributeListLayout is available
> Warning in <TClass::TClass>: no dictionary for class
> pair<string,string> is available
> thanks
> --
> =========================================================
> Venkatesh Kaushik
> Research Associate
> University of Arizona              ATLAS Experiment_at_CERN
> Office: PAS 334                    40-1-C11
> Tucson, Arizona                    Gen?ve, Switzerland
> Tel: +1 520 626 7042               +41 22 76 79137
> =========================================================
Received on Wed Sep 28 2011 - 20:47:27 CEST

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