Fwd: Question about TPaveText

From: Melinda Siciliano <mellybinda_at_gmail.com>
Date: Sun, 16 Oct 2011 18:32:31 +0200

-Dear ROOTers,

I have to fill an histogram (TH1 or TH2) and draw it with a TPaveText in which I write a message. I draw it in a TCanvas object and then I fill it again and I draw it a second time in the same canvas. Before drawing the canvas and the TPaveText again, I clear the canvas and I draw the histogram and the TPaveText again. I would like the that the TPaveText object present in the canvas is only one. The problem is that even when I clear the canvas and the histogram, I have that the TPaveText is not deleted and the following tpavetext are drawn one on the other.

How can I delete from the canvas the other TPaveText objects? is this object related to the histogram? In this case, if I reset the histogram, is the TPaveText deleted? Have I to delete explicetly the TPaveText before drawing again the histogram?


Melinda Received on Sun Oct 16 2011 - 18:32:57 CEST

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