Re: Bug in TGraphs to/from file ??

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Mon Dec 01 1997 - 17:59:06 MET

Martin Woudstra wrote:

> Dear rooters,
> The Y-scale in TGraphs seems to get lost if written to file.
> I am filling TGraphs in my standalone program using root routines,
> which I then save to a root file with the command:
>  pGraph->Write(pGraph->GetName());
> When I then read it back into root I find the graph in the file,
> but when I try to Draw it with
> TFile f("tracks.root");
> TGraph* gY = (TGraph*)f.Get("Graph BML wrt BIL (2,2)");
> TCanvas *cgy = new TCanvas("Example Graph","Example Graph");
> gY->Draw("A*");
> No points are shown, because the Y-axis scale is wrong (-1 .. +1).
> The x-axis scale is Ok. If I change the Y-scale (-50 .. +10),
> then the points appear again.
> This seems to be a bug to me.
> Best regards,
> Martin.

Thanks for reporting this problem. It is now fixed in our dev version
(will appear
in 1.03/09).
The problem was that the maximum/minimum on the Y axis were not
correctly saved
on the file.
With the current version, you must explicitely SetMaximum and SetMinimum

before drawing.

Rene Brun

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