Re: plotting member functions

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Tue Jan 20 1998 - 19:12:51 MET

Wouter Hulsbergen wrote:

> Dear Root,
> Is it possible to plot member functions? The following does not work:
>   class RtRelation
>   {
>   public:
>     double rmin,rmax;
>     double* Rt(double * x, double* par);
>   }
>   RtRelation* rtrelation = new RtRelation;
>   TF1* rt = new TF1("rt",rtrelation->Rt,
>                     rtrelation->rmin,rtrelation->rmax,0);
> If it is possible, how should I do it ?
> Regards, thanks, Wouter

  No, an input parameter for TF1 cannot be a class member function.
See list of possibilities in
You can only define a normal function like in the example below.
Inside this function, you can use a global pointer to access
one of your objects and invoke its member function.

Rene Brun

Double_t Rt(Double_t *x, Double_t *par)
   Double_t arg = 0;
   if (par[2]) arg = (x[0] - par[1])/par[2];

   Double_t fitval = par[0]*TMath::Exp(-0.5*arg*arg);
   return fitval;
void myfunc()
// Creates a Root function based on function Rt above
   TF1 *func = new TF1("Rt",Rt,-2,2,3);

// Sets initial values and parameter names

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