Bug in TBranchClones::Fill() ?

From: Manuel Sanchez Garcia (manuel@fpddv1.usc.es)
Date: Thu Mar 26 1998 - 18:38:44 MET

Hello Rooters,

    I have just seen that when you try to store a TClonesArray in a
TTree using a TBranchClones with split=1. It happens that if the
TClonesArray has holes, then Root crashes when doing TTree::Fill.

    To illustrate the problem i've written the following macro:

 TClonesArray clones("HRichRaw",1000);
 TClonesArray* pClones=&clones;
 HRichRaw *pRaw;
 TFile f("test.root","RECREATE");
 TTree *tree=new TTree("T","Test tree");

 Int_t i,j;
 for (i=0;i<10;i++) {
   for (j=0;j<100;j++) {
     pRaw=new(clones[j]) HRichRaw(gRandom->Gaus(3,1));
   for (j=200;j<1000;j++) {
     // if i use: "for (j=100;j<100;j++) {" then everything works
     pRaw=new(clones[j]) HRichRaw(gRandom->Gaus(4,1));


This macro gives a Segmentation Violation; meanwhile if i start the
second loop in j=100 everything works Ok

    Is this a bug or a feature?

    Thanks in advance,


P.D: The HRichRaw class is as follows:

class HRichRaw : public HDataObject {
        HRichRaw(void) : charge(0.0F) {}
//      initialization could be used e.g. to clear the data element
        HRichRaw(const Float_t q) : charge(q) {}
        ~HRichRaw(void) {}
        void Clear(void) {charge=0.0F;}
        Int_t getSize(void) const {return charge>0.0F ? 1:0;}
        Float_t getCharge(void) const {return charge;}
 void setCharge(Float_t q) {charge=q;}
        friend ostream& operator<< (ostream& output, HRichRaw& element);

        float charge; // Charge for each cell
        ClassDef(HRichRaw,1) //Rich raw data

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