?: how to use TTreeFormula

From: Dirk Meier (Dirk.Meier@cern.ch)
Date: Mon Aug 31 1998 - 16:32:17 MEST


I want to draw a function TF1 which gets its arguments from a TTree. 

s.th like this:

TFile *f = new TFile("test.root");  // open file test.root

TTree *t = (TTree*)f->Get("T");     // get the tree, 

TH1F *h1_1 = new TH1F("H1_1","H1_1",80,-0.1,1.1);  // declare histogramm

T->Draw("x>>H1_1","y<1 && y>0","",30000); // Draw values from
			// tree into H1, x, y are floats in tree 

TF1 *fun1 = new TF1("Fun1","pol7",0,1);   // decleare a function

H1_1->Fit("Fun1","","",0,1);            // do a fit to the distribution of x

// now I want to draw Fun1 as a function of y which is float in the tree

// s.th like T->Draw("Fun1(y):y","y<1 && y>0","",30000);


I believe TTreeFormula could help?
Does anybody has an example on how to use TTreeFormula 



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