Re: ?: how to use TTreeFormula

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Tue Sep 01 1998 - 01:35:55 MEST

In principle, what you want to do should work.
TTreeFormula should be able to access user defined
For a few days, I only have access to a slow system
and only for a few minutes. I will look into your
question again in the middle of next week.

Rene Brun

On Mon, 31 Aug 1998, Dirk Meier wrote:

> Hello,
> I want to draw a function TF1 which gets its arguments from a TTree. 
> like this:
> {
> TFile *f = new TFile("test.root");  // open file test.root
> TTree *t = (TTree*)f->Get("T");     // get the tree, 
> TH1F *h1_1 = new TH1F("H1_1","H1_1",80,-0.1,1.1);  // declare histogramm
> T->Draw("x>>H1_1","y<1 && y>0","",30000); // Draw values from
> 			// tree into H1, x, y are floats in tree 
> TF1 *fun1 = new TF1("Fun1","pol7",0,1);   // decleare a function
> H1_1->Fit("Fun1","","",0,1);            // do a fit to the distribution of x
> // now I want to draw Fun1 as a function of y which is float in the tree
> // like T->Draw("Fun1(y):y","y<1 && y>0","",30000);
> }
> I believe TTreeFormula could help?
> Does anybody has an example on how to use TTreeFormula 
> merci
> Dirk

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