Re: Extending PolyLine3D's when points fall outside of the TView range

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Sun Sep 20 1998 - 00:13:04 MEST

Paul Nord wrote:
> How can I make a PolyLine3D look normal when some (or all) of its
> points lie outside of the View range?
> I'd like to be able to zoom in on portions of the detector.  However, when the
> zoom pushed one endpoint of a wire off the screen, the wire is no longer drawn;
> not even the portion which intersects the display.
> Is there an option for this?  Or would we need to revise the PolyLine3D class?

I have rewritten the TPolyLine3D::Paint function to take advantage
of a new clipping facility that I have introduced in the class TPad.
With this change, your 3D polylines will be correctly clipped.
This change will appear in 2.00/12.

Rene Brun

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