Benchmarking your machine with ROOT.

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Fri Mar 19 1999 - 16:38:09 MET

If you are interested to benchmark your machine with our "now standard"
benchmark suite, you can send us the results and we will present these
results on our Web site.
Our standard suite uses the ROOT test programs and tutorials.
Running the benchmark requires sufficient disk space (500 Mbytes).
These tests are mainly I/O dominated.

test name    directory      what to do
=========    ==========     ==========
E0 write     cd test;       Event 10000 0 0 1
E0 read      cd test;       Event 10000 0 0 20
E1 write     cd test;       Event 10000 1 1 1
E1 read      cd test;       Event 10000 1 1 20
stress comp  cd test;       stress
stress cint  cd test;       root -b stress.cxx(1000)
tutorials    cd tutorials;  root -b -q benchmarks.C

The result of this benchmark on a few machines can be seen in the
attached file.

I would appreciate if you could send the results of the benchmark
in the format shown below (example on Alpha).
We are only interested by complete benchmarks. Please specify all the
machine parameters (hardware, OS, RAM, compiler version)

Rene Brun

Example of output
================= Alpha/Unix CXX 6 OSF1  V4.0 564 alpha
RAM: 4 Gbytes
[ams] root/test > stress
stress    : Total I/O =  425.6 Mbytes, I =  296.4, O = 129.3
stress    : Compr I/O =  407.3 Mbytes, I =  286.3, O = 121.0
stress    : Real Time =  84.72 seconds Cpu Time =  64.62 seconds
*  ROOTMARKS = 196.2   *  Root 2.21/08  990318/2219

root [0] .x stress.cxx(1000)
stress    : Total I/O =  425.6 Mbytes, I =  296.4, O = 129.3
stress    : Compr I/O =  407.3 Mbytes, I =  286.3, O = 121.0
stress    : Real Time = 139.20 seconds Cpu Time = 126.57 seconds
*  ROOTMARKS = 202.5   *  Root 2.21/08  990318/2219

Event 10000 0 0 1

10000 events and 482123611 bytes processed.
RealTime=103.283333 seconds, CpuTime=57.200000 seconds
compression level=0, split=0, arg4=1
You write 4.667971 Mbytes/Realtime seconds
You write 8.428734 Mbytes/Cputime seconds
Event 10000 0 0 20
10000 events and 482123611 bytes processed.
RealTime=17.716667 seconds, CpuTime=17.733333 seconds
You read 27.212997 Mbytes/Realtime seconds
You read 27.187421 Mbytes/Cputime seconds

Event 10000 1 1 1
10000 events and 451878066 bytes processed.
RealTime=78.350000 seconds, CpuTime=74.416667 seconds
compression level=1, split=1, arg4=1
You write 5.767429 Mbytes/Realtime seconds
You write 6.072269 Mbytes/Cputime seconds
Event 10000 1 1 20
10000 events and 451878066 bytes processed.
RealTime=22.950000 seconds, CpuTime=22.933333 seconds
You read 19.689675 Mbytes/Realtime seconds
You read 19.703985 Mbytes/Cputime seconds

root -b -q benchmarks.C
---------------ROOT  2.21/08 benchmarks summary--------------------
hsimple   : Real Time =   0.82 seconds Cpu Time =   0.82 seconds
hsum      : Real Time =   0.32 seconds Cpu Time =   0.32 seconds
fillrandom: Real Time =   0.13 seconds Cpu Time =   0.02 seconds
fit1      : Real Time =   0.08 seconds Cpu Time =   0.08 seconds
tornado   : Real Time =   0.10 seconds Cpu Time =   0.10 seconds
na49      : Real Time =   7.62 seconds Cpu Time =   7.62 seconds
geometry  : Real Time =   1.12 seconds Cpu Time =   0.93 seconds
na49view  : Real Time =   0.08 seconds Cpu Time =   0.08 seconds
ntuple1   : Real Time =   0.85 seconds Cpu Time =   0.85 seconds
TOTAL     : Real Time =  11.12 seconds Cpu Time =  10.82 seconds

The table below has been produced with the "standard" Root test 
programs and tutorials.

E0 write     cd test;       Event 10000 0 0 1
E0 read      cd test;       Event 10000 0 0 20
E1 write     cd test;       Event 10000 1 1 1
E1 read      cd test;       Event 10000 1 1 20
stress comp  cd test;       stress
stress cint  cd test;       root -b stress.cxx(1000)
tutorials    cd tutorials;  root -b -q benchmarks.C

The global ROOTMARK number is obtained in the following way;
  rtmark = E0write +10*E0read +E1write +10*E1read 
          +stresscomp +stresscint +10*tutorials
  cpmark = same for cpu

  ROOTMARK = rtmark+cpmark normalized to the HP result (27 ROOTMARKS).

*    machine     *    E0    *   E0     *   E1    *   E1    *  stress  *  stress  * tutorials *   global   *
*      OS        *  write   *   read   *  write  *  read   *   comp   *   cint   *           *  ROOTMARK  *
* ams            *          *          *         *         *          *          *           *            *
*  Alpha/Unix    * rt=103.3 * rt=17.7  * 78.3    * rt=23   * rt=84.7  * rt=139.2 * rt=11.1   *
*  dec serv 4100 *          *          *         *         *          *          *           *  223         
*    4 Gbytes    * cp=57.2  * cp=17.7  * cp=74.4 * cp=22.9 * cp=64.6  * cp=126.6 * cp=10.8   *
*   CXX 6        *          *          *         *         *          *          *           *
* ams            *          *          *         *         *          *          *           *            *
*  Alpha/Unix    * rt=104.4 * rt=19.7  * 96.7    * rt=28.2 * rt=94.9  * rt=171.5 * rt=12.2   *
*  dec serv 4100 *          *          *         *         *          *          *           *  192         
*    4 Gbytes    * cp=64    * cp=19.7  * cp=88.8 * cp=28.2 * cp=78.0  * cp=144.7 * cp=11.9   *
*   egcs1.1      *          *          *         *         *          *          *           *
* pcbrun         *          *          *         *         *          *          *           *            *
*  Linux 2.2     * rt=124.3 * rt=42.9  * 130.3   * rt=58   * rt=111.6 * rt=204   * rt=13.3   *
* Pentium II 400 *          *          *         *         *          *          *           *  133         
*  256 Mbytes    * cp=82.5  * cp=23.1  * cp=117.0* cp=36.3 * cp=102.1 * cp=194.7 * cp=13.0   *
*   egcs1.1      *          *          *         *         *          *          *           *
* pcnotebrun     *          *          *         *         *          *          *           *            *
*  Linux 2.0     * rt=309.7 * rt=144.5 * 385.0   * rt=170.4* rt=370.7 * rt=520.8 * rt=33.7   *
* Pentium 233    *          *          *         *         *          *          *           *  41         
*   80 Mbytes    * cp=260.4 * cp=123.0 * cp=343.3* cp=147.6* cp=300.4 * cp=473.0 * cp=32.6   *
*   egcs 1.1     *          *          *         *         *          *          *           *
* pcna4904       *          *          *         *         *          *          *           *            *
* WindowsNT 4    * rt=1091.2* rt=320.2 * 2196.6  * rt=219  * rt=212.9 * rt=381.7 * rt=33.2   *
* Pentium PRO200 *          *          *         *         *          *          *           *  29         
*   256 Mbytes   * cp=368.5 * cp=76.8  * cp=282.1* cp=126  * cp=195.6 * cp=365.6 * cp=30.8   *
*  Visual C++ 5  *          *          *         *         *          *          *           *
* hpbrun         *          *          *         *         *          *          *           *            *
*  hp-ux 10.20   * rt=667.9 * rt=290.1 * 698.1   * rt=240.5* rt=682.9 * rt=1328.5* rt=64.9   *
*  HP 955/99     *          *          *         *         *          *          *           *  27         
*   64 Mbytes    * cp=432.5 * cp=141.2 * cp=461.3* cp=113.5* cp=397.6 * cp=826.1 * cp=55.0   *
*    CC          *          *          *         *         *          *          *           *

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