Re: Drawing in compiled programs

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Tue Mar 30 1999 - 00:51:31 MEST

Hi Marcus,
I suggest you look into the standard Root example hworld in

You will see an example using simple graphics and what you have to do.

Rene Brun

On Mon, 29 Mar 1999, Marcus H. Mendenhall wrote:

> I have searched the roottalk lists extensively, and poked through a lot of
> source code, and still haven't figured out the answer to a question:
> I have recently started generating some compiled applications using the
> root libraries, for the few cases where I need more speed than CINT
> provides (especially reading in large text files to convert the to ROOT
> format).  I cannot, however, get any of the graphs to appear on the screen
> which appear when running interactively.  No sign of any windowing activity
> is present.  I would have expected c1=new TCanvas("name","title", 20, 20,
> 200, 200) would have made a window appear, eventually.
> I also notice that when running compiled stress, it doesn't actually draw
> anything visibly on the screen or create any windows. My program template
> is based closely on the stress code. The inner loop calls
> (with hist=a TH1 and c=a TCanvas)
> hist->Draw(); c->Modified(); c->Update(); gSystem->ProcessEvent();
> (where everything after the hist->Draw() consists of various attempts at
> witchcraft I have invoked to try to get drawing turned on).
> Is there something really silly I am missing?  How does one get windows to
> actually draw when running compiled code?  I am running under LinuxPPC on a
> Macintosh.
> If the answer to this is not something obvious that I have missed, maybe it
> should be put in a howto.
> Thanks.
> Marcus

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