Re: Drawing in compiled programs

From: Marcus H. Mendenhall (
Date: Tue Mar 30 1999 - 17:58:56 MEST


This doesn't quite do what I want.  I would like to be able to maintain
control in my code, and just pass enough to the system to allow it to draw
graphs.  If I call gApplication->Run(kTRUE) I don't get control back until
the user tries to quit.

Essentially, what I need is a method that looks like TSystem::Run() but
with the while loop turned off: something like the example below

 void TSystem::RunOnce()
   // System event loop.

   fInControl = kTRUE;
   fDone      = kFALSE;

   // RETRY {
      // while (!fDone) {
    //   }
  //  } ENDTRY;

   fInControl = kFALSE;

which I would then call once per pass through my program's main computation
and drawing loop to keep the display up to date.


>Hi Marcus,
>I suggest you look into the standard Root example hworld in
>You will see an example using simple graphics and what you have to do.

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