TFile Problem

From: Jeff Patterson (
Date: Fri Apr 30 1999 - 08:39:49 MEST

Hey Rooters,

	I don't understand what going on here.  I have a function that
open up a TFile, that contains a root tree made with h2root.  It works
fine the first time the function is called, but on subsquent calls, it
can't open up the file.  h666 is the tree pointer.  Here's the code

  TFile f("/drax/usr/diskb/chaos/root_tree/ntup4953.root");

If I quit root, and restart it, it works fine, but I would like to be able
to run main() many times in a row without having to start a new root
session each time.  Any ideas of where I am going wrong ?

				Jeff Patterson
				Univ. of Colorado

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