Re: axis range

From: Fons Rademakers (
Date: Fri Apr 30 1999 - 11:29:24 MEST

Hi Seng,

   your question is answered here:

Cheers, Fons.

Woon-Seng Choong wrote:
> Hi,
>   I encountered a peculiar problem when using TTree::Draw. I have a tree
> which has a variable, say var,  which range from 2172 to 2179. There are
> about 10 million events. I used the following command to plot the var:
> root [1] tree->Draw("var")
> What I got was a plot which range from 2171 to 2173 and has an overflow
> over 8 million events. Why didn't it draw the whole range?
> I am using ROOT v2.21/08.
>         Seng

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