Re: Bug in TLorentzVector::CosTheta() ??

From: Nick van Eijndhoven (
Date: Wed Sep 22 1999 - 21:36:24 MEST

Dear friends,
If one stores the TLorentzVector components in the class as 'the invariant' and
a 3-vector in spherical coordinates, these sort of rounding problems
can be prevented (this is one of the cases I meant in one of my earlier
mails when we discussed about how to treat 4-vectors).
Another thing is (as was mentioned by somenone already, but I forgot the name
<must be the age!>) that by storing the invariant the particle identity (i.e. mass)
is always conserved in physics processes and doesn't have to be re-calculated
in case the energy/momentum changes.


Matt Dobbs wrote:
> Hi,
> Looking at TLorentzVector class, I wish to find the cosine of the angle
> between the vector and the z axis. For this I would expect to use
> CosTheta() method which is defined in TLorentzVector.h as follows:
>   inline Double_t TLorentzVector::CosTheta() const {
>     Double_t ptot = Mag();
>     return ptot == 0.0 ? 1.0 : fZ/ptot;
>   }
> If I check the definition of Mag() I find that it is the invariant mass
> NOT the Magnitude of the three vector:
>   inline Double_t TLorentzVector::Mag2() const {
>     return T()*T() - Vect().Mag2();
>   }
>   inline Double_t TLorentzVector::Mag() const {
>     Double_t mm = Mag2();
>     return mm < 0.0 ? -TMath::Sqrt(-mm) : TMath::Sqrt(mm);
>   }
> As example:
> root [49] v = new TLorentzVector(1,1,1,1.75)
> (class TLorentzVector*)0x8723668
> root [50] v.Vect().CosTheta()
> (Double_t)5.77350269189625731e-01
> root [51] v.Mag()
> (Double_t)2.50000000000000000e-01
> root [52] v.CosTheta()
> (Double_t)4.00000000000000000e+00
>                                         (Root V2.22 Redhat linux 5.1)
> So v.Vect().CosTheta() gives the expected value but
> v.CosTheta() gives a non-physical cosine > 1.
> Have I misuderstood the meaning of CosTheta? It seems intuitive to me that
> TLorentzVector::Mag() would call TVector3::Mag() and likewise for
> TLorentzVector::CosTheta().
> ~Matt
> _________________________________________________________________________
>                            Matt   D O B B S
> CERN EP Division, ATLAS Experiment    Office Tel: (Swiss)
> Office: 40-1-C15, ATLAS Bldg.         Home Tel:  0450 282544    (France)
> Email: Matthew.Adam.Dobbs@Cern.CH
> Department of Physics and Astronomy,  University of Victoria, Canada

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