
From: Kristjan H Gulbrandsen (gulbrand@mit.edu)
Date: Mon Nov 15 1999 - 19:05:48 MET

Does anybody know why the first line TBranch::GetEntry is

     if (fReadEntry == entry) return 1;


The effect is to not give your object or set the value of the
leaves (if you use basic types). It seems rather annoying if
you somehow changed some values and would like to get the
same entry again. I end in most of my code just getting some
dummy entry often just to ensure that I really get the data
I want. I think it would be nice if this behavior could be
overridden somehow.

Besides a possible speed issue, if anybody knows any reasons
for this behavior, it would be helpful if they could clue me


				Kris Gulbrandsen

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