user color palette & PostScript output

From: Alexandr Malusek (
Date: Mon Nov 15 1999 - 22:13:02 MET


I use macros for creating color palettes in ROOT. It works OK in X11
(Solaris 2.6, Creator 3D, TrueColor visual class), but if I save the
canvas to a PS or EPS file via "File/Save As" menu, GhostScript
displays colors allocated in the colormap only as a white color.

Is it a problem in these macros (which I wrote according to comments
in this list) or in ROOT? Is there a workaround?

An example:
root [0] .x paletteGray.C
root [1] .x surfaces.C                            // from the tutorial
root [2] PostScript file: has been created  // via File/Save As
root [2] .q
$ gs   # the second graph is white with black contour lines

The macros follows:

$ cat paletteGray.C
// Function paletteGray sets gray palette (white -> black).
// Examples:
// root[] .x paletteGray.C      // 128 colors
// root[] paletteGray(32,450)   // 32 colors, notice 450 > 300+128
// New histograms will use this palette. Old ones must be "Refreshed".
// Problems:
// This macro defines new colors, it does not redefine existing colors.
// Therefore the startIndex must be greater than indices of colors
// already allocated by ROOT (at least 150?). It may be a problem
// for displays with 256 colors.

void paletteGray(const Int_t colNum = 128, Int_t startIndex = 300)
  // colNum ....... Number of colors in the palette
  // startIndex ... starting index of allocated colors
  Int_t palette[colNum];
  Float_t val;

  for (Int_t i=0; i < colNum; i++)
      val = 1 - i/(float)colNum;
      TColor *color = new TColor(startIndex+i, val, val, val, "");
      palette[i] = startIndex + i;
  gStyle->SetPalette(colNum, palette);

$ cat paletteSpectrum.C
// Function paletteSpectrum sets spectrum-like palette (violet->red).
// Examples:
// root[] .x paletteSpectrum.C      // 128 colors
// root[] paletteSpectrum(32,450)   // 32 colors, notice 450 > 300+128
// New histograms will use this palette. Old ones must be "Refreshed".
// Problems:
// This macro defines new colors, it does not redefine existing colors.
// Therefore the startIndex must be greater than indices of colors
// already allocated by ROOT (at least 150?). It may be a problem
// for displays with 256 colors.

void paletteSpectrum(const Int_t colNum = 128, Int_t startIndex = 300)
  // colNum ....... Number of colors in the palette
  // startIndex ... starting index of allocated colors
  const Float_t saturation = 1;
  const Float_t lightness = 0.5;
  const Float_t maxHue = 280;
  const Float_t minHue = 0;
  Int_t palette[colNum];
  Float_t hue, r, g, b, rv, gv, bv;
  for (Int_t i = 0 ; i < colNum ; i++)
      TColor *color = new TColor(startIndex + i, 0, 0, 0);
      hue = maxHue - (i+1) * ((maxHue - minHue) / colNum);
      color->HLStoRGB(hue, lightness, saturation, r, g, b);
      color->SetRGB(r, g, b);
      palette[i] = startIndex + i;
  gStyle->SetPalette(colNum, palette);

Note: I've tested ROOT 2.22/10 and 2.23/08. A PS printer also doesn't
print the colors so it doesn't seem to be a GhostScript problem.

Alexandr Malusek                                 
Nuclear Physics Institute                        e-mail:
Department of Radiation Dosimetry                   tel: +420 2 83842791
Na Truhlarce 39/64, 180 86 Praha 8, Czech Republic  fax: +420 2 83842788

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