library: libTMVA
#include "Factory.h"


class description - header file - source file - inheritance tree (.pdf)

class TMVA::Factory : public TObject

Inheritance Chart:
void SetLocalDir() protected:
void GetCorrelationMatrix(TTree* theTree) void PlotVariables(TTree* theTree) public:
Factory(TString theJobName, TFile* theTargetFile, TString theOption = ) Factory(TFile* theTargetFile) Factory(const TMVA::Factory&) virtual ~Factory() Bool_t BookMethod(TString theMethodName, TString theOption = , TString theNameAppendix = ) Bool_t BookMethod(TMVA::Types::MVA theMethod, TString theOption = , TString theNameAppendix = ) Bool_t BookMethod(TMVA::MethodBase* theMethod, TString theNameAppendix = ) void BookMultipleMVAs(TString theVariable, Int_t nbins, Double_t* array) static TClass* Class() void DeleteAllMethods() void EvaluateAllMethods() void EvaluateAllVariables(TString options = ) TCut GetCut() TMVA::MethodBase* GetMVA(TString method) TTree* GetTestTree() const TTree* GetTrainingTree() const void Greeting(TString = ) virtual TClass* IsA() const TMVA::Factory& operator=(const TMVA::Factory&) void PrepareTrainingAndTestTree(TCut cut = , Int_t Ntrain = 0, Int_t Ntest = 0, TString TreeName = ) void ProcessMultipleMVA() void SetBackgroundTree(TTree* background) Bool_t SetInputTrees(TString signalFileName, TString backgroundFileName) Bool_t SetInputTrees(TTree* inputTree, TCut SigCut, TCut BgCut = ) Bool_t SetInputTrees(TTree* signal, TTree* background) void SetInputVariables(vector<TString>* theVariables) void SetSignalAndBackgroundEvents(Double_t signal, Double_t background) void SetSignalTree(TTree* signal) void SetTestTree(TTree* testTree) void SetVerbose(Bool_t v = kTRUE) virtual void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent) virtual void Streamer(TBuffer& b) void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b) void TestAllMethods() void TrainAllMethods() Bool_t Verbose() const

Data Members

TFile* fSignalFile if two input files: signal file TFile* fBackgFile if two input files: background file TTree* fTrainingTree TTree* fTestTree TTree* fMultiCutTestTree TTree* fSignalTree cloned from input tree (signal) TTree* fBackgTree cloned from input tree (background) Double_t fSignalEvents number of signal events Double_t fBackgroundEvents number of background events TFile* fTargetFile ROOT output file TNtuple* fSigBgdVariables Signal and background ntuple (see example significances.C) TCut fCut preselection cut applied to all input events TString fOptions option string given by construction (presently only "V") Bool_t fVerbose verbose mode vector<TString>* fInputVariables names of input variables used in the MVAs vector<MethodBase*> fMethods all MVA methods TString fJobName jobname, used as extension in weight file names Bool_t fMultipleMVAs multi-cut mode ? Bool_t fMultipleStoredOptions multi-cut driving flag Bool_t fMultiTrain multi-cut driving flag Bool_t fMultiTest multi-cut driving flag Bool_t fMultiEvalVar multi-cut driving flag Bool_t fMultiEval multi-cut driving flag TCut fMultiCut phase-space cut Int_t fMultiNtrain number of training events Int_t fMultiNtest number of testing events map<TString,std::pair<TString,TCut> > fMultipleMVAnames map of MVA names map<TString,std::pair<TString,TString> > fMultipleMVAMethodOptions map of option strings TDirectory* fLocalTDir

Class Description


 This is the main MVA steering class: it creates all MVA methods,
 and guides them through the training, testing and evaluation
 phases. It also manages multiple MVA handling in case of distinct
 phase space requirements (cuts).
Factory( TString jobName, TFile* theTargetFile, TString theOption )
 standard constructor
   jobname       : this name will appear in all weight file names produced by the MVAs
   theTargetFile : output ROOT file; the test tree and all evaluation plots
                   will be stored here
   theOption     : option string; the currently only option is "V" for verbose
Factory( TFile* theTargetFile)
 depreciated constructor
void Greeting(TString op)
 print greeting message
~Factory( void )
 default destructor

 *** segmentation fault occurs when deleting this object :-( ***

 *** cannot delete: need to clarify ownership :-( ***
void DeleteAllMethods( void )
 delete methods
Bool_t SetInputTrees(TTree* signal, TTree* background)
 define the input trees for signal and background; no cuts are applied
Bool_t SetInputTrees(TTree* inputTree, TCut SigCut, TCut BgCut)
 define the input trees for signal and background from single input tree,
 containing both signal and background events distinguished by the type
 identifiers: SigCut and BgCut
Bool_t SetInputTrees( TString datFileS, TString datFileB )
 create trees from these ascii files
void BookMultipleMVAs(TString theVariable, Int_t nbins, Double_t *array)
 books multiple MVAs according to the variable, number of bins and
 the cut array given
void PrepareTrainingAndTestTree( TCut cut, Int_t Ntrain, Int_t Ntest, TString TreeName )
   |              |              |        |             |
                                                        # input signal events
                                          # input signal events after cuts
   |              |              |             |       |
    \/  \/                      # input bg events
                                               # input bg events after cuts
      Ntrain/2       Ntest/2


         nsigTot = all signal events
         nbkgTot = all bkg events
         nTot    = nsigTot + nbkgTot
         i.g.: nsigTot != nbkgTot
         N:M     = use M events after event N (distinct event sample)
                   (read as: "from event N to event M")


         a) equal number of signal and background events is used for training
         b) any numbers of signal and background events are used for testing
         c) an explicit syntax can violate a)

 cases (in order of importance)

      user gives         : N1
      PrepareTree does   : nsig_train=nbkg_train=min(N1,nsigTot,nbkgTot)
                           nsig_test =nsig_train:nsigTot, nbkg_test =nsig_train:nbkgTot
      -> give warning if nsig_test<=0 || nbkg_test<=0

      user gives         : N1, N2
      PrepareTree does   : nsig_train=nbkg_train=min(N1,nsigTot,nbkgTot)
                           nsig_test =nsig_train:min(N2,nsigTot-nsig_train),
                           nbkg_test =nsig_train:min(N2,nbkgTot-nbkg_train)
      -> give warning if nsig(bkg)_train != N1, or
                      if nsig_test<N2 || nbkg_test<N2

      user gives         : -1
      PrepareTree does   : nsig_train=nbkg_train=min(nsigTot,nbkgTot)
                           nsig_test =nsigTot, nbkg_test=nbkgTot
      -> give warning that same samples are used for testing and training

      user gives         : -1, -1
      PrepareTree does   : nsig_train=nsigTot, nbkg_train=nbkgTot
                           nsig_test =nsigTot, nbkg_test =nbkgTot
      -> give warning that same samples are used for testing and training,
         and, if nsig_train != nbkg_train, that an unequal number of
         signal and background events are used in training

 Give in any case the number of signal and background events that are
 used for testing and training, and tell whether there are overlaps between
 the samples.

void PlotVariables( TTree* theTree )
 plot all variables (including MVAs)
void SetSignalAndBackgroundEvents(Double_t signal, Double_t background)
 set signal and background events
void GetCorrelationMatrix( TTree* theTree )
 calculates the correlation matrices for signal and background,
 and print them to standard output
void SetSignalTree(TTree* signal)
 number of signal events (used to compute significance)
void SetBackgroundTree(TTree* background)
 number of background events (used to compute significance)
void SetTestTree(TTree* testTree)
 sets the test tree
Bool_t BookMethod( TString theMethodName, TString theOption, TString theNameAppendix )
 booking via name; the names are translated into enums and the
 corresponding overloaded BookMethod is called
Bool_t BookMethod( TMVA::Types::MVA theMethod, TString theOption, TString theNameAppendix )
 books MVA method; the option configuration string is custom for each MVA
 the TString field "theNameAppendix" serves to define (and distringuish)
 several instances of a given MVA, eg, when one wants to compare the
 performance of various configurations
Bool_t BookMethod( TMVA::MethodBase *theMethod, TString theNameAppendix )
 booking of method from a given weight file --> testing or application only
TMVA::MethodBase* GetMVA( TString method )
 returns pointer to MVA that corresponds to "method"
void TrainAllMethods( void )
 iterates over all MVAs that have been booked, and calls their training methods
void TestAllMethods( void )
 iterates over all MVAs that have been booked, and calls their testing methods
void EvaluateAllVariables( TString options )
 iterates over all MVA input varables and evaluates them
void EvaluateAllMethods( void )
 iterates over all MVAs that have been booked, and calls their evaluation methods
void ProcessMultipleMVA( void )
 multiple MVAs in different phase space regions are trained and tested
void SetLocalDir( void )
 cd to local directory
Factory( TString theJobName, TFile* theTargetFile, TString theOption = "" )
 no default  constructor
void SetInputVariables( vector<TString>* theVariables )
 set input variable
TTree* GetTrainingTree( void )

Author: Andreas Hoecker, Joerg Stelzer, Helge Voss, Kai Voss
Last update: root/tmva $Id: Factory.cxx,v 1.4 2006/05/31 14:01:33 rdm Exp $
Copyright (c) 2005: *

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