// @(#)root/tmva $Id: Factory.cxx,v 1.4 2006/05/31 14:01:33 rdm Exp $
// Author: Andreas Hoecker, Joerg Stelzer, Helge Voss, Kai Voss

 * Project: TMVA - a Root-integrated toolkit for multivariate data analysis       *
 * Package: TMVA                                                                  *
 * Class  : TMVA::Factory                                                         *
 *                                                                                *
 * Description:                                                                   *
 *      Implementation (see header for description)                               *
 *                                                                                *
 * Authors (alphabetical):                                                        *
 *      Andreas Hoecker <Andreas.Hocker@cern.ch> - CERN, Switzerland              *
 *      Xavier Prudent  <prudent@lapp.in2p3.fr>  - LAPP, France                   *
 *      Helge Voss      <Helge.Voss@cern.ch>     - MPI-KP Heidelberg, Germany     *
 *      Kai Voss        <Kai.Voss@cern.ch>       - U. of Victoria, Canada         *
 *                                                                                *
 * Copyright (c) 2005:                                                            *
 *      CERN, Switzerland,                                                        *
 *      U. of Victoria, Canada,                                                   *
 *      MPI-KP Heidelberg, Germany,                                               *
 *      LAPP, Annecy, France                                                      *
 *                                                                                *
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without             *
 * modification, are permitted according to the terms listed in LICENSE           *
 * (http://mva.sourceforge.net/license.txt)                                       *
 *                                                                                *

// This is the main MVA steering class: it creates all MVA methods,
// and guides them through the training, testing and evaluation
// phases. It also manages multiple MVA handling in case of distinct
// phase space requirements (cuts).

#include "Riostream.h"
#include "TROOT.h"
#include "TFile.h"
#include "TTree.h"
#include "TString.h"
#include "TLeaf.h"
#include "TEventList.h"
#include "TH1.h"
#include "TH2F.h"
#include "TText.h"
#include "TStyle.h"
#include "TMatrixF.h"
#include "TMatrixDSym.h"
#include "TPaletteAxis.h"

#ifndef ROOT_TMVA_Factory
#include "TMVA/Factory.h"
#ifndef ROOT_TMVA_Tools
#include "TMVA/Tools.h"
#ifndef ROOT_TMVA_MethodBase
#include "TMVA/MethodBase.h"
#ifndef ROOT_TMVA_MethodCuts
#include "TMVA/MethodCuts.h"
#ifndef ROOT_TMVA_MethodFisher
#include "TMVA/MethodFisher.h"
#ifndef ROOT_TMVA_MethodTMlpANN
#include "TMVA/MethodTMlpANN.h"
#ifndef ROOT_TMVA_MethodCFMlpANN
#include "TMVA/MethodCFMlpANN.h"
#ifndef ROOT_TMVA_MethodLikelihood
#include "TMVA/MethodLikelihood.h"
#ifndef ROOT_TMVA_MethodVariable
#include "TMVA/MethodVariable.h"
#ifndef ROOT_TMVA_MethodHMatrix
#include "TMVA/MethodHMatrix.h"
#ifndef ROOT_TMVA_MethodPDERS
#include "TMVA/MethodPDERS.h"
#ifndef ROOT_TMVA_MethodBDT
#include "TMVA/MethodBDT.h"

const Bool_t DEBUG_TMVA_Factory = kFALSE;

const int MinNoTrainingEvents = 10;
const int MinNoTestEvents     = 1;
const long int basketsize     = 1280000;

const TString BCwhite__f  ( "\033[1;37m" );
const TString BCred__f    ( "\033[31m"   );
const TString BCblue__f   ( "\033[34m"   );
const TString BCblue__b   ( "\033[44m"   );
const TString BCred__b    ( "\033[1;41m" );
const TString EC__        ( "\033[0m"    );
const TString BClblue__b  ( "\033[1;44m" );

using namespace std;


TMVA::Factory::Factory( TString jobName, TFile* theTargetFile, TString theOption )
   : fSignalFile      ( 0 ),
     fBackgFile       ( 0 ),
     fTrainingTree    ( 0 ),
     fTestTree        ( 0 ),
     fMultiCutTestTree( 0 ),
     fSignalTree      ( 0 ),
     fBackgTree       ( 0 ),
     fSignalEvents    ( 1 ),
     fBackgroundEvents( 1 ),
     fTargetFile      ( theTargetFile ),
     fOptions         ( theOption ),
     fVerbose         ( kTRUE ),
     fMultipleMVAs    ( kFALSE ),
     fMultipleStoredOptions( kFALSE )
   // standard constructor
   //   jobname       : this name will appear in all weight file names produced by the MVAs
   //   theTargetFile : output ROOT file; the test tree and all evaluation plots
   //                   will be stored here
   //   theOption     : option string; the currently only option is "V" for verbose

   fJobName = jobName;
   // interpret option string
   // at present, only verbose option defined
   TString s = fOptions;
   if (s.Contains("V")) fVerbose = kTRUE;
   else                 fVerbose = kFALSE;

   fLocalTDir = gDirectory;

TMVA::Factory::Factory( TFile* theTargetFile)
   : fSignalFile      ( 0 ),
     fBackgFile       ( 0 ),
     fTrainingTree    ( 0 ),
     fTestTree        ( 0 ),
     fMultiCutTestTree( 0 ),
     fSignalTree      ( 0 ),
     fBackgTree       ( 0 ),
     fSignalEvents    ( 1 ),
     fBackgroundEvents( 1 ),
     fTargetFile      ( theTargetFile ),
     fOptions         ( ""),
     fMultipleMVAs    (kFALSE),
   // depreciated constructor

   fJobName = "";
   // interpret option string
   // at present, only verbose option defined
   TString s = fOptions;
   if (s.Contains("V")) fVerbose = kTRUE;
   else                 fVerbose = kFALSE;

   fLocalTDir = gDirectory;

void TMVA::Factory::Greeting(TString op)
   // print greeting message
   if (op.Contains("COLOR") || op.Contains("COLOUR") ) {
      cout << "--- " << GetName() << ": " << BCred__f
           << "_______________________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _" << EC__ << endl;
      cout << "--- " << GetName() << ": " << BCblue__f
           << BCred__b << BCwhite__f << " // " << EC__
           << BCwhite__f << BClblue__b
           << "|\\  /|| \\  //  /\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ " << EC__ << endl;
      cout << "--- " << GetName() << ": "<< BCblue__f
           << BCred__b << BCwhite__f << "//  " << EC__
           << BCwhite__f << BClblue__b
           << "| \\/ ||  \\//  /--\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\f\\a\\c\\t\\o\\r\\y\\" << EC__ << endl;
   else {
      cout << "--- " << GetName() << ": "
           << "_______________________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _" << endl;
      cout << "--- " << GetName() << ":  // "
           << "|\\  /|| \\  //  /\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ " << endl;
      cout << "--- " << GetName() << ": //  "
           << "| \\/ ||  \\//  /--\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\f\\a\\c\\t\\o\\r\\y\\" << endl;

TMVA::Factory::~Factory( void )
   // default destructor
   // *** segmentation fault occurs when deleting this object :-( ***
   //   fTrainingTree->Delete();
   // *** cannot delete: need to clarify ownership :-( ***
   //   fSignalTree->Delete();
   //   fBackgTree->Delete();

void TMVA::Factory::DeleteAllMethods( void )
   // delete methods
   vector<TMVA::MethodBase*>::iterator itrMethod    = fMethods.begin();
   vector<TMVA::MethodBase*>::iterator itrMethodEnd = fMethods.end();
   for(; itrMethod != itrMethodEnd; itrMethod++) {
      if (Verbose())
         cout << "--- " << GetName() << " <verbose>: delete method: "
              << (*itrMethod)->GetName()
              << endl;
      delete (*itrMethod);
   // erase method vector
   itrMethod    = fMethods.begin();
   itrMethodEnd = fMethods.end();
   fMethods.erase(itrMethod ,itrMethodEnd );

Bool_t TMVA::Factory::SetInputTrees(TTree* signal, TTree* background)
   // define the input trees for signal and background; no cuts are applied
   return kTRUE;

Bool_t TMVA::Factory::SetInputTrees(TTree* inputTree, TCut SigCut, TCut BgCut)
   // define the input trees for signal and background from single input tree,
   // containing both signal and background events distinguished by the type
   // identifiers: SigCut and BgCut
   fSignalTree = inputTree->CloneTree(0);
   fBackgTree  = inputTree->CloneTree(0);

   TIter next_branch1( fSignalTree->GetListOfBranches() );
   while (TBranch *branch = (TBranch*)next_branch1())

   TIter next_branch2( fBackgTree->GetListOfBranches() );
   while (TBranch *branch = (TBranch*)next_branch2())

   TEventList *signalList = (TEventList*)gDirectory->Get("signalList");

   TEventList *backgList = (TEventList*)gDirectory->Get("backgList");

   if (backgList->GetN() == inputTree->GetEntries()){
      TCut bgcut= !SigCut;
      backgList = (TEventList*)gDirectory->Get("backgList");

   for (Int_t i=0;i<inputTree->GetEntries(); i++) {
      if ((backgList->Contains(i)) && (signalList->Contains(i))){
         cout << "--- " << GetName() << ": WARNING  Event "<<i
              <<" is selected for signal and background sample! Skip it!"<<endl;
      if (signalList->Contains(i)) fSignalTree->Fill();
      if (backgList->Contains(i) ) fBackgTree->Fill();

   delete signalList;
   delete  backgList;
   return (0 != fSignalTree && 0 != fBackgTree) ? kTRUE : kFALSE;


Bool_t TMVA::Factory::SetInputTrees( TString datFileS, TString datFileB )
   // create trees from these ascii files
   fSignalTree = new TTree( "TreeS", "Tree (S)" );
   fBackgTree  = new TTree( "TreeB", "Tree (B)" );

   fSignalTree->ReadFile( datFileS );
   fBackgTree->ReadFile( datFileB );

   ifstream in;
   if (!in.good()) {
      cout << "--- " << GetName() << ": Error: could not open file: " << datFileS << endl;
      return kFALSE;
   if (!in.good()) {
      cout << "--- " << GetName() << ": Error: could not open file: " << datFileB << endl;
      return kFALSE;

   fBackgTree ->Write();

   return (0 != fSignalTree && 0 != fBackgTree) ? kTRUE : kFALSE;

void TMVA::Factory::BookMultipleMVAs(TString theVariable, Int_t nbins, Double_t *array)
   // books multiple MVAs according to the variable, number of bins and
   // the cut array given

   // here the mess starts!
   fMultipleMVAs          = kTRUE;
   fMultiTrain            = kFALSE;
   fMultiTest             = kFALSE;
   fMultiEvalVar          = kFALSE;
   fMultiEval             = kFALSE;
   fMultipleStoredOptions = kFALSE;

   // at least one sanity check:
   // this method must be called *before* any Method has been booked!
   if ( fMethods.size() > 0){
      cout << "--- " << GetName()
           << ": ERROR! BookMultipleMVAs must be called befor booking any Method!"<<endl;

   // print out
   cout << "--- " << GetName() << " : MulitCut Analysis Booked:  "
        << theVariable << " is splitted in " << nbins << " bins:" << endl;

   // check if already some bins are booked
   // if yes add the new bins to *every* existing one
   if (fMultipleMVAnames.size() >0){

      // loop over existing bins and add the new ones
      // store their values in temporary opjects
      Int_t nOldBins =  fMultipleMVAnames.size();
      TString* simpleName  = new TString[nOldBins];
      TString* description = new TString[nOldBins];

      TCut oldCut[1000];
      Int_t binc=0;
      for (map<TString, std::pair<TString,TCut> >::iterator oldBin = fMultipleMVAnames.begin();
           oldBin != fMultipleMVAnames.end(); oldBin++) {
      } // end of loop over existing bins

      map<TString, std::pair<TString,TCut> >::iterator startBins = fMultipleMVAnames.begin();
      map<TString, std::pair<TString,TCut> >::iterator endBins   = fMultipleMVAnames.end();
      fMultipleMVAnames.erase(startBins, endBins);

      // create new map
      for(Int_t oldbin=0; oldbin<nOldBins; oldbin++) {
         for(Int_t bin=0; bin<(nbins); bin++) {
            // prepare string for this bin
            // FIXME!!! assume at the moment that array is sorted!
            // --> fMultipleMVAnames = new TMap(nbins);

            // simple bin name
            TString *binMVAname = new TString( simpleName[oldbin] + "__" + theVariable +
            // this is the cut in human readable version
            TString *binMVAdescription = new TString( description[oldbin] + " && "
                                                      + Form(" %g < ",array[bin])
                                                      + theVariable
                                                      + Form(" < %g",array[bin+1]));
            // create ROOT TCut
            TString *binMVAtmp = new TString("("+ theVariable +
                                             Form(" > %g ",array[bin]) +
                                             ") && (" +
                                             theVariable + Form(" < %g",array[bin+1]) +")");

            TCut *binMVACut = new TCut(binMVAtmp->Data());

            // fill all three into the map
            fMultipleMVAnames[*binMVAname] = std::pair<TString,TCut>(*binMVAdescription, *binMVACut + oldCut[oldbin]);

            if (Verbose()) cout << "--- " <<  GetName() <<": "
                                <<"  ["<< binMVAdescription->Data() << "]  "<<endl;
            delete binMVAname;
            delete binMVAdescription;
            delete binMVAtmp;
            delete binMVACut;
         }// end of loop over bins
      } // end of loop over oldbins

      delete[] simpleName;
      delete[] description;

   else { // this is the first time BookMultipleMVAs is being called
      for (Int_t bin=0; bin<(nbins); bin++) {
         // prepare string for this bin
         // FIXME!!! assume at the moment that array is sorted!
         //    fMultipleMVAnames = new TMap(nbins);

         // simple bin name
         TString *binMVAname = new TString( theVariable +
         // this is the cut in human readable version
         TString *binMVAdescription = new TString( Form("%g < ",array[bin]) +
                                                   theVariable +
                                                   Form(" < %g",array[bin+1]));
         // create ROOT TCut
         TString *binMVAtmp = new TString("("+ theVariable +
                                          Form(" > %g ",array[bin]) +
                                          ") && (" +
                                          theVariable + Form(" < %g",array[bin+1]) +")");

         TCut *binMVACut = new TCut(binMVAtmp->Data());

         // fill all three into the map
         fMultipleMVAnames[*binMVAname] =  std::pair<TString,TCut>(*binMVAdescription, *binMVACut);
         if (Verbose()) cout << "--- " <<  GetName() <<": "
                             <<"  ["<< binMVAdescription->Data() << "]  "<<endl;
         delete binMVAname;
         delete binMVAdescription;
         delete binMVAtmp;
         delete binMVACut;
      } // end of loop over bins
   } // end of if (fMultipleMVAnames.size() >0)


void TMVA::Factory::PrepareTrainingAndTestTree( TCut cut, Int_t Ntrain, Int_t Ntest, TString TreeName )
   //   ------------------------------------------------------
   //   |              |              |        |             |
   //   ------------------------------------------------------
   //                                                        # input signal events
   //                                          # input signal events after cuts
   //   ------------------------------------------------------
   //   |              |              |             |       |
   //   ------------------------------------------------------
   //    \/  \/                      # input bg events
   //                                               # input bg events after cuts
   //      Ntrain/2       Ntest/2
   // definitions:
   //         nsigTot = all signal events
   //         nbkgTot = all bkg events
   //         nTot    = nsigTot + nbkgTot
   //         i.g.: nsigTot != nbkgTot
   //         N:M     = use M events after event N (distinct event sample)
   //                   (read as: "from event N to event M")
   // assumptions:
   //         a) equal number of signal and background events is used for training
   //         b) any numbers of signal and background events are used for testing
   //         c) an explicit syntax can violate a)
   // cases (in order of importance)
   // 1)
   //      user gives         : N1
   //      PrepareTree does   : nsig_train=nbkg_train=min(N1,nsigTot,nbkgTot)
   //                           nsig_test =nsig_train:nsigTot, nbkg_test =nsig_train:nbkgTot
   //      -> give warning if nsig_test<=0 || nbkg_test<=0
   // 2)
   //      user gives         : N1, N2
   //      PrepareTree does   : nsig_train=nbkg_train=min(N1,nsigTot,nbkgTot)
   //                           nsig_test =nsig_train:min(N2,nsigTot-nsig_train),
   //                           nbkg_test =nsig_train:min(N2,nbkgTot-nbkg_train)
   //      -> give warning if nsig(bkg)_train != N1, or
   //                      if nsig_test<N2 || nbkg_test<N2
   // 3)
   //      user gives         : -1
   //      PrepareTree does   : nsig_train=nbkg_train=min(nsigTot,nbkgTot)
   //                           nsig_test =nsigTot, nbkg_test=nbkgTot
   //      -> give warning that same samples are used for testing and training
   // 4)
   //      user gives         : -1, -1
   //      PrepareTree does   : nsig_train=nsigTot, nbkg_train=nbkgTot
   //                           nsig_test =nsigTot, nbkg_test =nbkgTot
   //      -> give warning that same samples are used for testing and training,
   //         and, if nsig_train != nbkg_train, that an unequal number of
   //         signal and background events are used in training
   // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
   // Give in any case the number of signal and background events that are
   // used for testing and training, and tell whether there are overlaps between
   // the samples.
   // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
   fCut = cut;

   if (fMultipleMVAs && !fMultipleStoredOptions) {
      cout << "--- " << GetName() << ":  Store cut and numbers for multiple MVAs " << endl;
      fMultiCut    = cut;
      fMultiNtrain = Ntrain;
      fMultiNtest  = Ntest;

   cout << "--- " << endl;
   cout << "--- " << GetName() << ": prepare training and Test samples" << endl;
   cout << "--- " << GetName() << ": num of events in input signal tree     : "
        << fSignalTree->GetEntries() << endl;
   cout << "--- " << GetName() << ": num of events in input background tree : "
        << fBackgTree->GetEntries() << endl;
   if (TString(fCut) != "")
      cout << "--- " << GetName() << ": apply cut on input trees               : "
           << fCut << endl;
      cout << "--- " << GetName() << ": no cuts applied" << endl;

   // apply cuts to the input trees and create TEventLists of only the events
   // we would like to use !
   TEventList *signalList = (TEventList*)gDirectory->Get("signalList");

   TEventList *backgList = (TEventList*)gDirectory->Get("backgList");

   if (TString(fCut) != "") {
      cout << "--- " << GetName() << ": num of signal events passing cut       : "
           << signalList->GetN() << endl;
      cout << "--- " << GetName() << ": num of background eventspassing cut    : "
           << backgList->GetN() << endl;

   Int_t nsig_train(0), nbkg_train(0), nsig_test(0), nbkg_test(0);
   Int_t nsig_test_min(0), nbkg_test_min(0);
   Int_t nsigTot = signalList->GetN();
   Int_t nbkgTot = backgList->GetN();
   //  Int_t nTot    = nsigTot + nbkgTot;
   Int_t array[3];
   array[1] = nsigTot;
   array[2] = nbkgTot;

   if (Ntrain >0 && Ntest == 0) {
      array[0]      = Ntrain;
      nsig_train    = TMath::MinElement(3,array);
      nbkg_train    = nsig_train;
      nsig_test_min = nsig_train;
      nbkg_test_min = nsig_train;

      if ((nsigTot-nsig_train)<=0 )
         cout << "--- " << GetName()
              << ": WARNING  # signal events for testing <= 0! " << endl;
      if ((nbkgTot-nbkg_test)<=0)
         cout << "--- " << GetName()
              << ": WARNING # background events for testing <= 0! " << endl;
      nsig_test = nsigTot;
      nbkg_test = nbkgTot;

   else if (Ntrain >0 && Ntest > 0) {
      array[0]      = Ntrain;
      nsig_train    = TMath::MinElement(3,array);
      nbkg_train    = nsig_train;
      nsig_test_min = nsig_train;
      nbkg_test_min = nsig_train;

      nsig_test     = TMath::Min(Ntest,nsigTot-nsig_train);
      nbkg_test     = TMath::Min(Ntest,nbkgTot-nsig_train);
      if (nsig_train != Ntrain)
         cout << "--- " << GetName()
              << ": WARNING  less events for training than requested!" << endl;
      if (nsig_test<Ntest || nbkg_test<Ntest)
         cout << "--- " << GetName()
              << ": WARNING  less events for testing than requested!" << endl;
      nsig_test += nsig_train;
      nbkg_test += nsig_train;

   else if (Ntrain == -1 && Ntest == 0) {
      nsig_train = TMath::Min(nsigTot,nbkgTot);
      nbkg_train = nsig_train;
      nsig_test  = nsigTot;
      nbkg_test  = nbkgTot;
      cout << "--- " << GetName()
           << ": WARNING! Same samples are used for training and testing" << endl;

   else if (Ntrain == -1 && Ntest == -1) {
      nsig_train = nsigTot;
      nbkg_train = nbkgTot;
      nbkg_test  = nbkgTot;
      nsig_test  = nsigTot;
      cout << "--- " << GetName()
           << ": WARNING! Same samples are used for training and testing" << endl;
      cout << "--- " << GetName()
           << ": WARNING! An unequal number of signal and background events are used in training"

   // Sanity check (introduced Jan 12, 2006) by Andreas and Kai
   // idea: You always want more events for testing than training
   if ( (nsig_train + nbkg_train ) > ((nsig_test-nsig_test_min) +  (nbkg_test-nbkg_test_min)) ) {
      cout << "--- " << GetName()  << ": WARNING selected less events for training than fo testing"<<endl;
      cout << "--- " << GetName()  << ":         will split samples in halfs"<<endl;
      if (nsigTot < nbkgTot){
      else {

   // provide detailed output
   cout << "--- " << GetName() << ": num of training signal events          : 1..."
        << nsig_train << endl;
   cout << "--- " << GetName() << ": num of training background events      : 1..."
        << nbkg_train << endl;
   cout << "--- " << GetName() << ": num of testing  signal events          : "
        << nsig_test_min << "..." << nsig_test << endl;
   cout << "--- " << GetName() << ": num of testing  background events      : "
        << nbkg_test_min << "..." << nbkg_test << endl;

   // create new trees
   // variable "type" is used to destinguish "0" = background;  "1" = Signal
   Int_t type;
   fTrainingTree = new TTree("TrainingTree", "Variables used for MVA training");
   fTrainingTree->Branch( "type", &type, "type/I" , basketsize );

   if (TreeName.Sizeof() >1) TreeName.Prepend("_");
   fTestTree = new TTree("TestTree"+TreeName, "Variables used for MVA testing, and MVA outputs" );
   fTestTree->Branch( "type", &type, "type/I", basketsize );

   Int_t nvars = fInputVariables->size();
   //Float_t v[nvars];
   // Float_t v[1000];  //please check
   Float_t * v = new Float_t[nvars];
   for (Int_t ivar=0; ivar<nvars; ivar++) {

      // Add Branch to training/test Tree
      TString myVar = (*fInputVariables)[ivar];
      fTrainingTree->Branch( myVar, &v[ivar], myVar + "/F", basketsize );
      fTestTree->Branch( myVar, &v[ivar], myVar + "/F", basketsize );
   } // end of loop over input variables

   // loop over signal events first
   type = 1;
   Int_t ac=0;
   for (Int_t i = 0; i < fSignalTree->GetEntries(); i++) {
      if (signalList->Contains(i)) { // survives the cut
         for (Int_t ivar=0; ivar<nvars; ivar++)
            v[ivar] = (Float_t)TMVA::Tools::GetValue( fSignalTree, i, (*fInputVariables)[ivar] );

         if ( ac <= nsig_train)                         fTrainingTree->Fill();
         if ((ac > nsig_test_min) && (ac <= nsig_test)) fTestTree->Fill();

   // now loop over backgound events
   type = 0;
   for (Int_t i = 0; i < fBackgTree->GetEntries(); i++) {
         for (UInt_t ivar=0; ivar<fInputVariables->size(); ivar++)
            v[ivar] = (Float_t)TMVA::Tools::GetValue( fBackgTree, i, (*fInputVariables)[ivar] );

         if ( ac <= nbkg_train)                         fTrainingTree->Fill();
         if ((ac > nbkg_test_min) && (ac <= nbkg_test)) fTestTree    ->Fill();

   if (DEBUG_TMVA_Factory) {

   if (Verbose()) cout << "--- " << GetName() << " <verbose>: tree preparation finished" << endl;

   // designed plotting output
   if (fTrainingTree->GetEntries() > 0)  PlotVariables( fTrainingTree );

   // first thing: get overall correlation matrix between all variables in tree
   if (fTrainingTree->GetEntries() > 0)  GetCorrelationMatrix( fTrainingTree );

   delete[] v;

void TMVA::Factory::PlotVariables( TTree* theTree )
   // plot all variables (including MVAs)
   Int_t nbins       = 100;
   Float_t timesRMS  = 3.0;

   // create plots of the input variables and check them
   if (Verbose()) cout << "--- " << GetName() << " <verbose>: plot input variables from '"

   // create directory in output file
   TDirectory *localDir= fLocalTDir->mkdir("input_variables" );
   if (Verbose()) cout<<"' into dir: "<<localDir->GetPath()<<endl;
   TH1F *myhist = new ::TH1F();
   vector<TString>::iterator   itrVar    = fInputVariables->begin();
   vector<TString>::iterator   itrVarEnd = fInputVariables->end();
   cout << "--- " << endl;
   for(; itrVar != itrVarEnd; itrVar++) {
      TString myVar = *itrVar;

      // Find out mean and rms of signal and background distributions.
      TString drawOpt = myVar + ">>h";
      theTree->Draw( drawOpt, "type  == 1", "goff" );
      myhist= (TH1F*)gDirectory->Get("h");
      Float_t rmsS  = myhist->GetRMS();
      Float_t meanS = myhist->GetMean();
      theTree->Draw( drawOpt, "type == 0","goff" );
      myhist= (TH1F*)gDirectory->Get("h");
      Float_t rmsB  = myhist->GetRMS();
      Float_t meanB = myhist->GetMean();

      // choose reasonable histogram ranges, by removing outliers
      Float_t xmin = TMath::Max( Float_t( myhist->GetXaxis()->GetXmin() ),
                                 TMath::Min( meanS - timesRMS*rmsS, meanB - timesRMS*rmsB ) );
      Float_t xmax = TMath::Min( Float_t( myhist->GetXaxis()->GetXmax() ),
                                 TMath::Max( meanS + timesRMS*rmsS, meanB + timesRMS*rmsB ) );

      // ----- signal distribution
      TString histTitle =  myVar + " signal";
      TString histName  =  myVar + "__S";
      drawOpt= myVar+">>h("+TString(nbins);
      TString draw = Form( ">>h(%d,%f,%f)", nbins, xmin, xmax );
      printf("--- %s: create histogram '%s' within range [%0.3g, %0.3g]\n",
             (const char*)GetName(), (const char*)histName, xmin, xmax );
      drawOpt= myVar + draw;
      theTree->Draw(drawOpt,"type  == 1", "goff");
      myhist= (TH1F*)gDirectory->Get("h");

      // check signal histo for outliers!
      Float_t origEntries=myhist->GetEntries();
      Int_t emptyBins=0;
      // count number of empty bins
      for(Int_t bin=1; bin<=myhist->GetNbinsX(); bin++){
         if (myhist->GetBinContent(bin) == 1) emptyBins++;
      if (((Float_t)emptyBins/(Float_t)myhist->GetNbinsX()) > 0.75) {
         cout << " | More than 75% of the bins in hist '"
              << myhist->GetName() << "' are empty!" << endl;
         cout << " | check plot " << myhist->GetName() << " in output file " << endl;

         // create additional cut to remove outliers
         TString newCutStr = "( "+ myVar
            + Form(" > %0.3g ) && (", (myhist->GetMean()-timesRMS*(myhist->GetRMS())))
            + myVar
            + Form(" < %0.3g )", (myhist->GetMean()+timesRMS*(myhist->GetRMS())));

         cout << " | suggested cut to remove outliers: " << newCutStr << endl;

         TCut newCut(newCutStr);
         newCut += "type  == 1";
         theTree->Draw(drawOpt,newCut, "goff");
         TH1F *myNewhist= (TH1F*)gDirectory->Get("g");
         Float_t removed=origEntries-(myNewhist->GetEntries());
         cout << " | this cut would remove " << removed << " out of "
              << origEntries << " signal events" << endl;
         Float_t left=0;
         Float_t right=0;
         for(Int_t b=1; b<=myhist->GetNbinsX(); b++){
            if (b <  myhist->FindBin((myhist->GetRMS()))){
               left += ((myhist->GetBinContent(b)) - (myNewhist->GetBinContent(b)));
               right += myhist->GetBinContent(b)-myNewhist->GetBinContent(b);
         cout << " | "<<left <<" on the low side and "<<
            right<<" on the high side of the mean"<<endl;
         delete myNewhist;

      TMVA::Tools::NormHist( myhist ); // normalize

      // ----- background distribution
      histTitle = myVar+" background";
      histName  = myVar +"__B";
      draw      = Form( ">>h(%d,%f,%f)",nbins,xmin,xmax );
      drawOpt   = myVar + draw;
      theTree->Draw(drawOpt,"type == 0", "goff");
      myhist = (TH1F*)gDirectory->Get("h");
      TMVA::Tools::NormHist( myhist ); // normalize

   delete myhist;


void TMVA::Factory::SetSignalAndBackgroundEvents(Double_t signal, Double_t background)
   // set signal and background events
   fSignalEvents     = signal;
   fBackgroundEvents = background;

void TMVA::Factory::GetCorrelationMatrix( TTree* theTree )
   // calculates the correlation matrices for signal and background,
   // and print them to standard output

   // first remove type from variable set
   if (Verbose())
      cout << "--- " << GetName() << " <verbose>: retrieve correlation matrix using tree: "
           << theTree->GetName() << endl;

   TBranch*         branch = 0;
   vector<TString>* theVars = new vector<TString>;
   TObjArrayIter branchIter( theTree->GetListOfBranches(), kIterForward );
   while ((branch = (TBranch*)branchIter.Next()) != 0)
      if ((TString)branch->GetName() != "type") theVars->push_back( branch->GetName() );

   Int_t nvar = (int)theVars->size();
   TMatrixD *corrMatS = new TMatrixD( nvar, nvar );
   TMatrixD *corrMatB = new TMatrixD( nvar, nvar );

   // now compute the matrix
   TMVA::Tools::GetCorrelationMatrix( theTree, corrMatS, theVars, 1 );
   TMVA::Tools::GetCorrelationMatrix( theTree, corrMatB, theVars, 0 );

   // print the matrix
   const Int_t prec = 9;
   cout << "--- " << endl;
   cout << "-------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
   cout << "--- " << GetName() << ": correlation matrix (signal):" << endl;
   cout << "-------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
   cout << "--- " << "           ";
   for (Int_t ivar=0; ivar<nvar; ivar++) cout << setw(prec) << (*theVars)[ivar];
   cout << endl;
   for (Int_t ivar=0; ivar<nvar; ivar++) {
      cout << "--- " << setw(10) << (*theVars)[ivar] << ":";
      for (Int_t jvar=0; jvar<nvar; jvar++) printf("   %+1.3f",(*corrMatS)(ivar, jvar));
      cout << endl;
   cout << "--- " << endl;
   cout << "-------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
   cout << "--- " << GetName() << ": correlation matrix (background):" << endl;
   cout << "-------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
   cout << "--- " << "           ";
   for (Int_t ivar=0; ivar<nvar; ivar++) cout << setw(prec) << (*theVars)[ivar];
   cout << endl;
   for (Int_t ivar=0; ivar<nvar; ivar++) {
      cout << "--- " << setw(10) << (*theVars)[ivar] << ":";
      for (Int_t jvar=0; jvar<nvar; jvar++) printf("   %+1.3f",(*corrMatB)(ivar, jvar));
      cout << endl;
   cout << "-------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
   cout << "--- " << endl;

   // ---- histogramming

   // loop over signal and background
   TString      hName[2]  = { "CorrelationMatrixS", "CorrelationMatrixB" };
   TString      hTitle[2] = { "Correlation Matrix (signal)", "Correlation Matrix (background)" };

   // workaround till the TMatrix templates are comonly used
   // this keeps backward compatibility
   TMatrixF*    tmS = new TMatrixF( nvar, nvar );
   TMatrixF*    tmB = new TMatrixF( nvar, nvar );
   for (Int_t ivar=0; ivar<nvar; ivar++) {
      for (Int_t jvar=0; jvar<nvar; jvar++) {
         (*tmS)(ivar, jvar) = (*corrMatS)(ivar,jvar);
         (*tmB)(ivar, jvar) = (*corrMatB)(ivar,jvar);

   TMatrixF *mObj[2]  = { tmS, tmB };

   // settings
   const Float_t labelSize = 0.055;

   for (Int_t ic=0; ic<2; ic++) {

      TH2F* h2 = new TH2F( *(mObj[ic]) );
      h2->SetNameTitle( hName[ic], hTitle[ic] );

      for (Int_t ivar=0; ivar<nvar; ivar++) {
         h2->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel( ivar+1, (*theVars)[ivar] );
         h2->GetYaxis()->SetBinLabel( ivar+1, (*theVars)[ivar] );

      // present in percent, and round off digits
      // also, use absolute value of correlation coefficient (ignore sign)
      h2->Scale( 100.0  );
      for (Int_t ibin=1; ibin<=nvar; ibin++)
         for (Int_t jbin=1; jbin<=nvar; jbin++)
            h2->SetBinContent( ibin, jbin, Int_t(h2->GetBinContent( ibin, jbin )) );

      // style settings
      h2->SetStats( 0 );
      h2->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize( labelSize );
      h2->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize( labelSize );
      h2->SetMarkerSize( 1.5 );
      h2->SetMarkerColor( 0 );
      h2->LabelsOption( "d" ); // diagonal labels on x axis
      h2->SetLabelOffset( 0.011 );// label offset on x axis
      h2->SetMinimum( -100.0 );
      h2->SetMaximum( +100.0 );

      // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      // just in case one wants to change the position of the color palette axis
      // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      //     gROOT->SetStyle("Plain");
      //     TStyle* gStyle = gROOT->GetStyle( "Plain" );
      //     gStyle->SetPalette( 1, 0 );
      //     TPaletteAxis* paletteAxis
      //                   = (TPaletteAxis*)h2->GetListOfFunctions()->FindObject( "palette" );
      // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

      // write to file
      if (Verbose())
         cout << "--- " << GetName() << " <verbose>: created correlation matrix as 2D histogram: "
              << h2->GetName() << endl;

      delete h2;
   // ----

   delete tmS;
   delete tmB;

   delete theVars;
   delete corrMatS;
   delete corrMatB;

void TMVA::Factory::SetSignalTree(TTree* signal)
   // number of signal events (used to compute significance)
   fSignalTree = signal;

void TMVA::Factory::SetBackgroundTree(TTree* background)
   // number of background events (used to compute significance)
   fBackgTree = background;

void TMVA::Factory::SetTestTree(TTree* testTree)
   // sets the test tree
   fTestTree = testTree;

Bool_t TMVA::Factory::BookMethod( TString theMethodName, TString theOption,
                                  TString theNameAppendix )
   // booking via name; the names are translated into enums and the
   // corresponding overloaded BookMethod is called

   if (fMultipleMVAs && !fMultipleStoredOptions ){
      cout << "--- " << GetName() << ":  Store "<<theMethodName+theNameAppendix
           <<"  and its options for multiple MVAs " << endl;

      fMultipleMVAMethodOptions[theMethodName+theNameAppendix] =
         std::pair<TString,TString>(theOption, theNameAppendix);
      return kTRUE;

   if (theMethodName != "Variable")
      cout << "--- " << GetName() << ": create method: " << theMethodName << endl;

   if (theMethodName.Contains("Cuts"))
      return BookMethod( TMVA::Types::Cuts, theOption, theNameAppendix );
   else if (theMethodName.Contains("Fisher"))
      return BookMethod( TMVA::Types::Fisher, theOption, theNameAppendix );
   else if (theMethodName.Contains("TMlpANN"))
      return BookMethod( TMVA::Types::TMlpANN, theOption, theNameAppendix );
   else if (theMethodName.Contains("CFMlpANN"))
      return BookMethod( TMVA::Types::CFMlpANN, theOption, theNameAppendix );
   else if (theMethodName.Contains("Likelihood"))
      return BookMethod( TMVA::Types::Likelihood, theOption, theNameAppendix );
   else if (theMethodName.Contains("Variable"))
      return BookMethod( TMVA::Types::Variable, theOption, theNameAppendix );
   else if (theMethodName.Contains("HMatrix"))
      return BookMethod( TMVA::Types::HMatrix, theOption, theNameAppendix );
   else if (theMethodName.Contains("PDERS"))
      return BookMethod( TMVA::Types::PDERS, theOption, theNameAppendix );
   else if (theMethodName.Contains("BDT"))
      return BookMethod( TMVA::Types::BDT, theOption, theNameAppendix );
   else {
      cout << "--- " << GetName() << ": Error: method: "
           << theMethodName << " does not exist ==> abort" << endl;

   return kFALSE;

Bool_t TMVA::Factory::BookMethod( TMVA::Types::MVA theMethod, TString theOption,
                                  TString theNameAppendix )
   // books MVA method; the option configuration string is custom for each MVA
   // the TString field "theNameAppendix" serves to define (and distringuish)
   // several instances of a given MVA, eg, when one wants to compare the
   // performance of various configurations

   TMVA::MethodBase *method = 0;

   // initialize methods
   if (theMethod == TMVA::Types::Cuts)
      method = new TMVA::MethodCuts      ( fJobName,
                                           fLocalTDir );

   else if (theMethod == TMVA::Types::Fisher)
      method = new TMVA::MethodFisher    ( fJobName,
                                           fLocalTDir );

   else if (theMethod == TMVA::Types::TMlpANN) {
      method = new TMVA::MethodTMlpANN   ( fJobName,
                                           fLocalTDir );

      // special "feature" of TMlpANN: needs also test tree :-(
      TMVA::MethodTMlpANN *tmp = (TMVA::MethodTMlpANN*)method;

   else if (theMethod == TMVA::Types::CFMlpANN)
      method = new TMVA::MethodCFMlpANN  ( fJobName,
                                           fLocalTDir );

   else if (theMethod == TMVA::Types::Likelihood)
      method = new TMVA::MethodLikelihood( fJobName,
                                           fLocalTDir );

   else if (theMethod == TMVA::Types::Variable)
      method = new TMVA::MethodVariable  ( fJobName,
                                           fLocalTDir );

   else if (theMethod == TMVA::Types::HMatrix)
      method = new TMVA::MethodHMatrix   ( fJobName,
                                           fLocalTDir );

   else if (theMethod == TMVA::Types::PDERS)
      method = new TMVA::MethodPDERS     ( fJobName,
                                           fLocalTDir );

   else if (theMethod == TMVA::Types::BDT)
      method = new TMVA::MethodBDT       ( fJobName,
                                           fLocalTDir );

   else {
      cout << "--- " << GetName() << ": Error: method: "
           << theMethod << " does not exist ==> abort" << endl;

   if (0 != method) {
      if (theNameAppendix.Sizeof() > 1 )method->AppendToMethodName( theNameAppendix );
      fMethods.push_back( method );

   return (0 != method) ? kTRUE : kFALSE;

Bool_t TMVA::Factory::BookMethod( TMVA::MethodBase *theMethod,
                                  TString theNameAppendix )
   // booking of method from a given weight file --> testing or application only
   if (NULL != theMethod) {
      if (theNameAppendix.Sizeof() > 1 ){
         theMethod->AppendToMethodName( theNameAppendix );
      fMethods.push_back( theMethod );
   return (0 != theMethod) ? kTRUE : kFALSE;

TMVA::MethodBase* TMVA::Factory::GetMVA( TString method )
   // returns pointer to MVA that corresponds to "method"
   vector<TMVA::MethodBase*>::iterator itrMethod    = fMethods.begin();
   vector<TMVA::MethodBase*>::iterator itrMethodEnd = fMethods.end();
   for(; itrMethod != itrMethodEnd; itrMethod++) {
      TMVA::MethodBase* mva = (*itrMethod);
      if ( (mva->GetMethodName()).Contains(method)) return mva;
   return 0;

void TMVA::Factory::TrainAllMethods( void )
   // iterates over all MVAs that have been booked, and calls their training methods

   // if multiple  MVAs
   if (fMultipleMVAs && !fMultipleStoredOptions ){
      cout << "--- " << GetName() << ": TrainAllMethods will be called for multiple MVAs " << endl;

   // iterate over methods and train
   vector<TMVA::MethodBase*>::iterator itrMethod    = fMethods.begin();
   vector<TMVA::MethodBase*>::iterator itrMethodEnd = fMethods.end();
   for(; itrMethod != itrMethodEnd; itrMethod++) {
      if (fTrainingTree->GetEntries() > MinNoTrainingEvents){
         cout << "--- " << GetName() << ": train method: "
              << ((TMVA::MethodBase*)*itrMethod)->GetMethodName() << endl;
         cout << "--- " << GetName()
              << ": WARNING method "<< ((TMVA::MethodBase*)*itrMethod)->GetMethodName()
              << " not trained (training tree has no entries)"<<endl;

void TMVA::Factory::TestAllMethods( void )
   // iterates over all MVAs that have been booked, and calls their testing methods

   // if multiple  MVAs
   if (fMultipleMVAs && !fMultipleStoredOptions ) {
      cout << "--- " << GetName() << ": TestAllMethods will be called for multiple MVAs " << endl;
   } else if (fTrainingTree == NULL) {
      cout << "--- "<< GetName()
           << " you perform testing without training before, hope you  \n"
           << "--- did give a reasonable test tree and weight files " <<endl;
   } else if ((fTrainingTree->GetEntries() < MinNoTrainingEvents) && fMultipleMVAs && fMultiTrain) {
      cout << "--- "<< GetName()
           <<" : WARNING Skip testing since training wasn't performed for this bin"<<endl;

   // iterate over methods and test
   vector<TMVA::MethodBase*>::iterator itrMethod    = fMethods.begin();
   vector<TMVA::MethodBase*>::iterator itrMethodEnd = fMethods.end();
   for(; itrMethod != itrMethodEnd; itrMethod++) {
      cout << "--- " << GetName() << ": test method: "
           << ((TMVA::MethodBase*)*itrMethod)->GetMethodName() << endl;
      (*itrMethod)->PrepareEvaluationTree( fTestTree );
      if (DEBUG_TMVA_Factory) fTestTree->Print();

void TMVA::Factory::EvaluateAllVariables( TString options )
   // iterates over all MVA input varables and evaluates them

   // if multiple  MVAs
   if (fMultipleMVAs && !fMultipleStoredOptions ){
      cout << "--- " << GetName() << ": EvaluateAllVariables will be called for multiple MVAs " << endl;
   } else if (fTrainingTree == NULL) {
      cout << "--- "<< GetName()
           << " you perform testing without training before, hope you  \n"
           << "--- did give a reasonable test tree and weight files " <<endl;
   }else if ((fTrainingTree->GetEntries() < MinNoTrainingEvents) && fMultipleMVAs && fMultiTrain){
      cout << "--- "<< GetName()
           <<" : WARNING Skip evaluation since training wasn't performed for this bin"<<endl;

   if (Verbose())
      cout << "--- " << GetName()
           << " <verbose>: for this each variable needs to be booked as a Method" << endl;
   // iterate over variables and evaluate
   vector<TString>::iterator itrVars    = fInputVariables->begin();
   vector<TString>::iterator itrVarsEnd = fInputVariables->end();
   for (; itrVars != itrVarsEnd; itrVars++) {
      TString s = *itrVars;
      if (options.Contains("V")) s += ":V";
      this->BookMethod( "Variable", s );

void TMVA::Factory::EvaluateAllMethods( void )
   // iterates over all MVAs that have been booked, and calls their evaluation methods

   // if multiple  MVAs
   if (fMultipleMVAs && !fMultipleStoredOptions ){
      cout << "--- " << GetName() << ": EvaluateAllMethods will be called for multiple MVAs " << endl;
   } else if (fTrainingTree == NULL) {
      cout << "--- "<< GetName()
           << " you perform testing without training before, hope you  \n"
           << "--- did give a reasonable test tree and weight files " <<endl;
   }else if ((fTrainingTree->GetEntries() < MinNoTrainingEvents) && fMultipleMVAs && fMultiTrain){
      cout << "--- "<< GetName() <<" : WARNING Skip evaluation since training wasn't performed"<<endl;

   // although equal, we now want to seperate the outpuf for the variables
   // and the real methods
   Int_t    isel; //will be 0 for a Method; 1 for a Variable
   Int_t nmeth_used[2] = {0,0}; //0 Method; 1 Variable

   vector< vector<TString> > mname(2);
   vector< vector<Double_t> > sig(2),sep(2),eff01(2),eff10(2),eff30(2),mutr(2);

   // iterate over methods and evaluate
   vector<TMVA::MethodBase*>::iterator itrMethod    = fMethods.begin();
   vector<TMVA::MethodBase*>::iterator itrMethodEnd = fMethods.end();
   for (; itrMethod != itrMethodEnd; itrMethod++) {
      cout << "--- " << GetName() << ": evaluate method: "
           << (*itrMethod)->GetMethodName() << endl;
      isel=0; if ((*itrMethod)->GetMethodName().Contains("Variable")) isel=1;

      // perform the evaluation
      // do the job
      if ((*itrMethod)->IsOK()) (*itrMethod)->Test(fTestTree);
      if ((*itrMethod)->IsOK()) {
         mname[isel].push_back( (*itrMethod)->GetMethodName() );
         sig[isel].push_back  ( (*itrMethod)->GetSignificance() );
         sep[isel].push_back  ( (*itrMethod)->GetSeparation() );
         eff01[isel].push_back( (*itrMethod)->GetEfficiency("Efficiency:0.01", fTestTree)  );
         eff10[isel].push_back( (*itrMethod)->GetEfficiency("Efficiency:0.10", fTestTree)  );
         eff30[isel].push_back( (*itrMethod)->GetEfficiency("Efficiency:0.30", fTestTree)  );
         mutr[isel].push_back ( (*itrMethod)->GetmuTransform(fTestTree) );
         (*itrMethod)->WriteHistosToFile( fLocalTDir );
      else {
         cout << "--- " << GetName() << ": Warning: " << (*itrMethod)->GetName()
              << " returned isOK flag: "
              << (*itrMethod)->IsOK() << endl;

   // now sort the variables according to the best 'eff at Beff=0.10'
   for (Int_t k=0; k<2; k++) {
      vector< vector<Double_t> > vtemp;
      vtemp.push_back( eff10[k] ); // this is the vector that is ranked
      vtemp.push_back( eff01[k] );
      vtemp.push_back( eff30[k] );
      vtemp.push_back( sig[k]   );
      vtemp.push_back( sep[k]   );
      vtemp.push_back( mutr[k]  );
      vector<TString> vtemps = mname[k];
      TMVA::Tools::UsefulSortDescending( vtemp, &vtemps );
      eff10[k] = vtemp[0];
      eff01[k] = vtemp[1];
      eff30[k] = vtemp[2];
      sig[k]   = vtemp[3];
      sep[k]   = vtemp[4];
      mutr[k]  = vtemp[5];
      mname[k] = vtemps;

   cout << "--- " << endl;
   cout << "--- " << GetName() << ": Evaluation results ranked by best 'signal eff @B=0.10'" << endl;
   cout << "---------------------------------------------------------------------------"   << endl;
   cout << "--- MVA              Signal efficiency:         Signifi- Sepa-    mu-Trans-"   << endl;
   cout << "--- Methods:         @B=0.01  @B=0.10  @B=0.30  cance:   ration:  form:"       << endl;
   cout << "---------------------------------------------------------------------------"   << endl;
   for(Int_t k=0; k<2; k++){
      if (k == 1 && nmeth_used[k] > 0 && !fMultipleMVAs) {
         cout << "---------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
         cout << "--- Input Variables: " << endl
              << "---------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
      for(Int_t i=0; i<nmeth_used[k]; i++) {
         if (k == 1) mname[k][i].ReplaceAll( "Variable_", "" );
         printf("--- %-15s: %1.3f    %1.3f    %1.3f    %1.3f    %1.3f    %1.3f \n",
                (const char*)mname[k][i],
                eff01[k][i], eff10[k][i], eff30[k][i], sig[k][i], sep[k][i], mutr[k][i] );
   cout << "---------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
   cout << "--- " << endl;

   cout << "--- " << GetName() << ": Write Test Tree '"<< fTestTree->GetName()<<"' to file" << endl;

void TMVA::Factory::ProcessMultipleMVA( void )
   // multiple MVAs in different phase space regions are trained and tested

   Double_t vd[100];
   Int_t vi[100];
   Float_t vf[100];
   Int_t count_vd=0;
   Int_t count_vi=0;
   Int_t count_vf=0;

   if (fMultipleMVAs) {
      // assume that we have booked all method:
      // all other methods know that they are called from this method!

      // loop over bins:
      for (map<TString, std::pair<TString,TCut> >::iterator bin = fMultipleMVAnames.begin();
           bin != fMultipleMVAnames.end(); bin++) {

         cout << "---------------------------------------------------------------------------"   << endl;
         cout << "--- " << GetName() << ": Process Bin "<< bin->first<< endl;
         cout << "---                 with cut ["<< (bin->second).first <<"]"<< endl;
         cout << "---------------------------------------------------------------------------"   << endl;

         TString binName( "multicutTMVA::" +  bin->first );
         fLocalTDir = fTargetFile->mkdir( binName, (bin->second).first);

         // prepare trees for this bin
         this->PrepareTrainingAndTestTree( ((bin->second).second)+fMultiCut, fMultiNtrain, fMultiNtest );

         // reset list of methods:
         if (Verbose()) cout << "--- " << GetName() << " <verbose>: delete previous methods" << endl;

         // loop over stored methods
         for (map<TString, std::pair<TString,TString> >::iterator method = fMultipleMVAMethodOptions.begin();
              method != fMultipleMVAMethodOptions.end(); method++) {

            // book methods
            this->BookMethod(method->first, (method->second).first, (method->second).second ) ;
         } // end of loop over methods

         // set weigt file dir: SetWeightFileDir
         // iterate over methods and test
         vector<TMVA::MethodBase*>::iterator itrMethod2    = fMethods.begin();
         vector<TMVA::MethodBase*>::iterator itrMethod2End = fMethods.end();
         for(; itrMethod2 != itrMethod2End; itrMethod2++) {
            TString binDir( "weights/" + bin->first );

         if (Verbose()) cout << "--- " << GetName() << " <verbose>: booked " << fMethods.size()
                             << " methods" << endl;

         if (fMultiTrain) this->TrainAllMethods();
         if (fMultiTest)  this->TestAllMethods();
         if (fMultiEval) {

            //check if fTestTree contains MVA variables
            Bool_t hasMVA=kFALSE;
            TIter next_branch1( fTestTree->GetListOfBranches() );
            while (TBranch *branch = (TBranch*)next_branch1()){
               if (((TString)branch->GetName()).Contains("TMVA::")) hasMVA=kTRUE;
            } // end of loop over fTestTree branches

            if (hasMVA){
               if (fMultiCutTestTree == NULL){
                  fMultiCutTestTree = new TTree("MultiCutTree","Combined Test Tree for all bins");
                  TIter next_branch1( fTestTree->GetListOfBranches() );

                  while (TBranch *branch = (TBranch*)next_branch1()){
                     TLeaf *leaf = branch->GetLeaf(branch->GetName());
                     if (((TString)leaf->GetTypeName()).Contains("Double_t"))
                        fMultiCutTestTree->Branch( (TString)leaf->GetName(),
                                                   (TString)leaf->GetName() + "/D", basketsize );

                     if (((TString)leaf->GetTypeName()).Contains("Int_t"))
                        fMultiCutTestTree->Branch( (TString)leaf->GetName(),
                                                   (TString)leaf->GetName() + "/I", basketsize );

                     if (((TString)leaf->GetTypeName()).Contains("Float_t"))
                        fMultiCutTestTree->Branch( (TString)leaf->GetName(),
                                                   (TString)leaf->GetName() + "/F", basketsize );

                  } // loop over branches in fTestTree
               // loop over fTestTree and fill into MultiCutTestTree
               for (Int_t ievt=0;ievt<fTestTree->GetEntries(); ievt++) {
                  count_vd=0;          count_vi=0;          count_vf=0;
                  TIter next_branch1( fTestTree->GetListOfBranches() );
                  while (TBranch *branch = (TBranch*)next_branch1()){
                     TLeaf *leaf = branch->GetLeaf(branch->GetName());
                     if (((TString)leaf->GetTypeName()).Contains("Double_t"))
                        vd[++count_vd]=TMVA::Tools::GetValue( fTestTree, ievt, leaf->GetName());

                     if (((TString)leaf->GetTypeName()).Contains("Int_t"))
                        vi[++count_vi]=(Int_t)TMVA::Tools::GetValue( fTestTree, ievt, leaf->GetName());

                     if (((TString)leaf->GetTypeName()).Contains("Float_t"))
                        vf[++count_vf]=(Float_t)TMVA::Tools::GetValue( fTestTree, ievt, leaf->GetName());
                  } // loop over branches
               } // end of loop over fTestTree

            } //end of if(fTesttree has MVA branches
         } // end of if (fMultiEval)
      } // end loop over bins
      // write global tree to top directory of the file

      if (fMultiCutTestTree != NULL) fMultiCutTestTree->Write();
      if (DEBUG_TMVA_Factory) fMultiCutTestTree->Print();
      // Evaluate MVA methods globally for all multiCut Bins

      // reset list of methods:
      if (Verbose()) cout << "--- " << GetName() << " <verbose>: delete previous methods" << endl;

      // evaluate the combined TestTree
      cout << "--- " << endl;
      cout << "-------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
      cout << "--- " << GetName() << ": Combined Overall Evaluation:" << endl;
      cout << "-------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
      cout << "--- " << "           "<<endl;

      TMVA::MethodBase *method = 0;
      TIter next_branch1( fTestTree->GetListOfBranches() );
      while (TBranch *branch = (TBranch*)next_branch1()){
         TLeaf *leaf = branch->GetLeaf(branch->GetName());
         if (((TString)branch->GetName()).Contains("TMVA::")){
            method = new TMVA::MethodVariable  ( fJobName,
                                                 fTargetFile );
            fMethods.push_back( method );
         }// is MVA variable

      fLocalTDir = fTargetFile;

      // this is save:
      fMultipleStoredOptions = kFALSE;
   } else {
      cout << "--- " << GetName() << ":ERROR!!! ProcessMultipleMVA without bin definitions!"<<endl;
      cout << " Call BookMultipleMVAs in prior!" << endl;
   // plot input variables in global tree

   if (fMultiCutTestTree != NULL) {
      PlotVariables( fMultiCutTestTree );
      GetCorrelationMatrix( fMultiCutTestTree );

void TMVA::Factory::SetLocalDir( void )
   // cd to local directory

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